Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Here is a picture of me:

Profånity said:
:lol: Not everyone sees a red x, you must be seeing things which aren't there.
I see thesame pic as always, don't you have something new? I get a bit tired from seeing thesame picture over and over again...
Life Sucks said:
Here are a couple pics I posted at Any other metalhead gymrats here?


well years ago and i mean years ago, i was about 16 and i used to do an hour of aerobics then 2hours in the gym liftin weights, and i was solid, but never mind as you get older you dont have the enthusiasm to keep doing it, i wish i had'nt stopped though, i'm not unfit though :)
Hearse said:
How could he post more pics, since that isn't him on the pic.
It's just some random pic that he have found from net,
from some site.

That's why he posts the same pic, over and over again.

It is just a way to get him not to post that pic, and I don't mind if it is or isn't him as long as I don't have to see it every other page in here.
And if he has other pics he is, of course, encouraged to show them.
That could very well be the truth indeed. Ah, why should I pretend I do not know, that is exactly how he behaves here of course. O well, nothing to do about it but ignore indeed.

And now back to the topic:
@Seraphim: Sorry about that. Had to make some changes to my server, and forgot that I posted a pic here. I ought to be visible again, but if you didn't like it better when you didn't see it is for you to decide.
@Xeno: I finally came around to watching the video's me thinks thesame as Aragorth, kewl.

@Seraphim: I'm no giant, it was some pint-sized gnome took that picture.:loco: