Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Spike said:
Funny thing is, she insists that these are BAD photos of her (like we haven't heard that one before. :rolleyes: ) maybe she was refering to these.....? ;)



You would think that half of you haven's visited the UM picture page before? :err:
if she thinks those are bad photos, then i'd like to see the ones she thinks is good hehe
cause those ones are just astonishing :blush:
@Angelina: :blush: Thank you I think you are really gorgeous, I wish I could learn your makeup tricks ,Love the smokey eyes! On me they just look silly.
Also, good to hear from a fellow cat lover. :Spin:
mourningstar said:
yes, to my place :grin:

long time no see, my russ. smack!
Indeed it is, my dear Val. You'll get a PM from me in the near future, try as hard as you can to contain your excitement until then.
Rusty said:
Indeed it is, my dear Val. You'll get a PM from me in the near future, try as hard as you can to contain your excitement until then.
it's difficult, rusdear.
my excitement would be way greater if you said you want to come down to brighton to say hello :Spin:

UPDATE: i might come to nottingham in the second part of the month, because lee has to meet some musicians for a project; i'll let you know more about it if i have enough time there and if you're in town... :)
rotten_doll said:
fourka darling you are beautiful, no makeup no nothing, a real beauty
:wave: hey Tal! Thanks.. indeed I never use any kind of makeup...I don't think it works as good on anybody as the natural look does...well always imo.;)
Fourka said:
:wave: hey Tal! Thanks.. indeed I never use any kind of makeup...I don't think it works as good on anybody as the natural look does...well always imo.;)

what a lady...! :)

you know i love ya! muauaa! :Smokedev: