Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by xenophobe
Tara, you do look like Rachel from Sinister! ;)

... but can you growl? :eek:


xeno: No. :( I sound more like Jeff Walker after sucking a bunch of helium balloons. :lol:

Eric: I've got HUNGRY MAN on my side! Who's laughing now?!?!
...Hungry Man??? Oh shit...I may have to call in resources from beyond the frozen wastes...deep into the forests where BRAWNY resides. :lol:
Originally posted by sexualist death
@xeno: dont you know that girls dont know to growl?!!!:lol:
i think angela from arch enemy could reply with a growling "yeah we can".
today i was at my mother's place, and i replied to a couple of her questions growling. mainly because it was good to see her laughing.
@sexualist death: ahhhh, i see. well, i'm out of tune even when i growl if possible, so i'd better do it in playback :lol:
Originally posted by Wandrail
...Hungry Man??? Oh shit...I may have to call in resources from beyond the frozen wastes...deep into the forests where BRAWNY resides. :lol:


Okay this whole thing is getting to be a bit weird. :eek:
Originally posted by Wandrail

Being more metal than alot of people. Wait, I don't sit around my house making Dio metal signs at the computer monitor...shut up.


Yes, Eric, you are most certainly METAL! I feel inferior to your Metalness :worship: If only the whole world could be as metal.. except I doubt they could pull it off (look at *insert random quasi-metal band name here*)

More pictures! From Everyone!

@Tara - killer sweatshirt and very cute pics! I love your hair! I only wish mine was nice and straight like your's, but of course I have one big wave that goes through it :rolleyes:

Alright I'll post me. By the way, how old do I look in this picture, with my hair down I reckon I look heaps young. When my hairs tied back I look about 25 some have said. I'm 17 anyway...
