Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Sorry, but you look like 17 yrs. old.
You asked...
I'm such a babyface myself. Day before I went and bought some beer and the clerk(or somefuckingthing) asked my ID. I've been a legal alcohol purchaser for four years now. Well good to have some use fore my drivers license... :bah:
... Another picture of me....


Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Yes, Eric, you are most certainly METAL! I feel inferior to your Metalness :worship: If only the whole world could be as metal.. except I doubt they could pull it off (look at *insert random quasi-metal band name here*)

More pictures! From Everyone!

@Tara - killer sweatshirt and very cute pics! I love your hair! I only wish mine was nice and straight like your's, but of course I have one big wave that goes through it :rolleyes:


Sh0k: Thanks, baby! :)
Another picture of me looking oh-so-scary! :lol:
Not that you need another shot of me, but I figured what the heck! I found it on my hard drive so I thought I'd post it :D


@Tara: No problemo!

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Another picture of me looking oh-so-scary! :lol:
Not that you need another shot of me, but I figured what the heck! I found it on my hard drive so I thought I'd post it :D


@Tara: No problemo!


*pinches cheeks*

HEY! How do you make one of those lil animated dillys like you have as your avatar?
@everyone - thanks so much for the compliments :oops:

@Tara - I didn't make it, a friend of mine did it for me.. If you have something like Photoshop you can do it.. I really don't know how to, sorry.
