Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

The view from our front yard


The view from our back yard


Whee :p I'll take better pics soon.

And then I found out my cam likes to work with "real" light which means I have to be infront of the window or outside when taking pics.

Me today before going to school

Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
We have snow only in winters, we do have a summer tho it's not so long :bah:
Hmm, this reminds me of a joke I heard, but I can't remember it properly... something like 'The summer in Finland is very beautiful but very short - last year it was a Wednesday'... Well, it was funny at the time... :s

*jealous of the Finnish snow* :(
Originally posted by Rusty
'The summer in Finland is very beautiful but very short - last year it was a Wednesday'... Well, it was funny at the time... :s
it is quite funny, indeed. what's happening to me, i'm adopting the typical english humour! :rolleyes:

and thank you for quoting anathema in your sig, rusty :)
Hehe, it was actually said by a Finnish person, although he's been living in England for a couple of years so it's probably rubbed off on him. But don't be saddened by your "adoption" of British humour, everyone knows it's the best type of humour there is... ;)

I've been listening to Anathema far too much lately. It's making me too sad. :( But those particular lines just seem fitting right now.
if you go around here in italy and ask what "umorismo inglese" is, people will probably answer "those jokes which are not funny". i must admit some are.

probably you already know this, but i'll tell you anyway: on the anathema board a guy posted a link to his site, where you can download some cool stuff. here's the link:
Hehe, I did know about it, but thanks for reminding me, it's the kick up the arse I needed to actually download some of it. :)
the video of forgotten hopes is quite nice. it's vincent and danny in a hotel room playing an acoustic version of it.
the best songs are the first ones, the ones from the total rock radio.

edit: sorry everyone for this!!! it'll end here (rusty if you have something to say pm me).
Of course, the show I managed to completely forget about. :cry: But I've already got that video. ;) I'm getting the rest now. :p

EDIT: Oops, too late... :erk: Right, it DOES stop here!! :p