Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by mourningstar
@naf: don't stop taking pictures of antonio... in the future you'll think they're not enough!! :)

Don't worry, there's no danger of me stopping taking pictures anytime soon. There's almost 400 on his website (cut and paste the address as Geoshitties usually doesn't link from here)

And those are just the ones with the digital camera that my wife was comfortable with posting on the internet (ie. all photos of her breast feeding are off limits :lol: ). He's barely 3 months old, and we've probably got about about 900 pictures of the little guy! (The question is, will we be able to keep up this pace with child #2?)
Whoohoo!! My new 7 string just arrived! Here is the red bastard:



RAWK!! I'm gonna go get some new strings and play Dream Theater's The Mirror on it!
Demonic Rapture, I hope this isn't offensive, but you look quite a lot like Layne Stayley. I guess wearing sunglasses (like the ones on your head in the top picture) you'd look even more like him.
I promise I'm not saying you look like a drug addict or a dead person.
I think I read in a thread somewhere that you're into AIC anyhow, aren't you?
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Demonic Rapture, I hope this isn't offensive, but you look quite a lot like Layne Stayley. I guess wearing sunglasses (like the ones on your head in the top picture) you'd look even more like him.
I promise I'm not saying you look like a drug addict or a dead person.
I think I read in a thread somewhere that you're into AIC anyhow, aren't you?

Yeah, Alice in Chains is my favorite band. Layne Staley's my favorite singer. So I take that as a compliment. Thank you. :)