Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

NapalmForLunch, I don't think Sexualist Death ever had a point. If she did, it seems like she forgot it after two or three exchanges with you.

Wandrail, in fact, hardly anyone gratuitously posted anywhere near as many pictures as you did. One of the few to get close to your amount is Sh0kr0k, who is apparently, by some bizarre set of circumstances, your "woman" (insert nasal laugh here).

I'm sure you wouldn't have thought these posts on this issue a waste of time (even though it took only a tiny amount of time to make) if they'd been saying you DO look like Johnny Depp, despite your pseudo-protestations (insert bigger nasal laugh here).
Go ahead, post 10 more pictures. Use this as an excuse to do so. You probably would have anyway, but what the hell!

And yes, the picture in the avatar space is Papa Lazarou; the ring-master of the Pandemonium Carnival.

Oh, and yes, you did spell Ariel Sharon's name wrong (insert final nasal laugh here). Bet you're glad Bush's name is so easy to spell. :D

Lastly, I haven't 'gone around insulting' anyone. I was called an idiot for no other reason that someone disagreeing with me, and my asking why they thought that seems to have been taken as insulting. Formidablé!!
Papa Lazarou's Pandemonium Carnival? ...right... "Big nasal laugh" And the Blackface is terribly witty, too. Aren't there enough "shocking" circus/clown themed bands specializing in poor taste that really ends up being neither funny or interesting? For that matter, aren't there enough annoying people on internet metal boards and chats who do nothing but start arguments ('debates', my ass) because they think it makes them look cool and get some weird (sad, really) sense of superiority out of it?

I'm all for debating, in the right place, but this is hardly a debate, its just stupidity and its irritating to more than me (and why debate my posting pictures...its really quite dumb). There's been more people of this type on this board from time to time, its nothing new, and it will pass eventually...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou

Lastly, I haven't 'gone around insulting' anyone. I was called an idiot for no other reason that someone disagreeing with me, and my asking why they thought that seems to have been taken as insulting. Formidablé!!

WTF kind of mind altering drugs are you currently imbibing?

Every post of yours I've read in this thread has some kind of condensending, mocking or plain belitting attitude.

The first two people you wound up insulting don't even speak english as a primary language... Damn, you sure have a mastery of the english language. :p

Nice series of threads you've started. :rolleyes:
I really don't know if there are too many clown/circus themed bands around. Since Papa Lazarou isn't part of one, I don't see how that is either relevant or interesting.
I don't know if there are enough annoying people on the internet, I do know there are a lot of silly, self-righteous, ignorant and for the most part down-right stupid ones posting on metal forums (me NOT included).
I'm neither arguing nor debating here. I'm simply bestowing facts.

Xenophobe says my tone is condescending. So what? That's not starting arguments or being insulting. And if you find my posts condescending, don't read them.
Also, feel free to rally support from others, saying "he's being rude or insuilting, and I dont like it". It makes little difference to me. I know I'm being none of those things and I know sensible people would see it that way.

And my point still stands, that people "debating" Wandrail's photo's seems ok to you people, as long as they're saying nice things. When I made my comments, suddenly it becomes silly to discuss Wandrail's pictures and amount of pictures. Now THAT is a stupid reaction.

Any sensible person who looks down this thread will see Wandrail's reasons for posting his pictures aren't to "let users see what he looks like". That reason was satisfied a long time ago. And I propose that he just likes to receive compliments and just to have people looking at his pictures. He also tends to make sarcastic comments about other people a lot, but seems reluctant to take any negative remarks himself.

I'll ignore the Papa Roacharu comment on the basis that it's neither amusing nor clever. It seems ok for Xenophobe to make a semi-direct (attempted) insult though. Is that because you all "know" him?
it's never a pleasure when you're drinking tea with your friends discussing non-problematic issues and someone comes in to say "hey, i don't like this", but in all honesty i cannot say papa lazarou is wrong. i think everyone is free to agree or disagree with him, to find him irritating and so on, but he explained his point pretty clearly, and that's something i'll never stop to appreciate in someone.

this said, i'll keep on drinking my cup of tea, since i'm a "soon-to-be english girl" ( ;) ) and that's what english people do.

*some sugar, please*
I don't know if there are enough annoying people on the internet, I do know there are a lot of silly, self-righteous, ignorant and for the most part down-right stupid ones posting on metal forums (me NOT included).
I'm neither arguing nor debating here. I'm simply bestowing facts.
Well, the "me NOT included" is clearly up for debate.

And my point still stands, that people "debating" Wandrail's photo's seems ok to you people, as long as they're saying nice things. When I made my comments, suddenly it becomes silly to discuss Wandrail's pictures and amount of pictures. Now THAT is a stupid reaction.
If you'd like to remove your head from your arse for just a moment, maybe you'll realise that it wasn't the number of pictures that was considered to be silly to discuss, but the whole Israel-Palestine conflict.

Any sensible person who looks down this thread will see Wandrail's reasons for posting his pictures aren't to "let users see what he looks like". That reason was satisfied a long time ago.
The purpose of this thread is for people to post their pictures, whatever pictures they may be, not just to show people what they look like. You yourself added this part: "2. Since the thread is designed to show people what you look like, the reasons for posting pictures had worn thin."

And I propose that he just likes to receive compliments and just to have people looking at his pictures.
Oh, the horror. Perhaps we should ban him from the board for this shocking behaviour??
Damn, I haven't seen so many contradictory statements in a single post for quite some time...

Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
I don't know if there are enough annoying people on the internet, I do know there are a lot of silly, self-righteous, ignorant and for the most part down-right stupid ones posting on metal forums (me NOT included).
I'm neither arguing nor debating here. I'm simply bestowing facts.

Bestowing facts? Uhm.. you mean spouting OPINIONS. Most of what you would use to describe US sounds more relavant in describing your breif visit here.

You're not arguing or debating? Just because you say something does not make it so.

Xenophobe says my tone is condescending. So what? That's not starting arguments or being insulting. And if you find my posts condescending, don't read them.
Also, feel free to rally support from others, saying "he's being rude or insuilting, and I dont like it". It makes little difference to me. I know I'm being none of those things and I know sensible people would see it that way.

So what? I thought you weren't being insulting? Condescending attitudes towars people IS insulting... Unfortunately Rusty and myself are BOTH sensible people... Consensus is that you're just an asshole.

And my point still stands, that people "debating" Wandrail's photo's seems ok to you people, as long as they're saying nice things. When I made my comments, suddenly it becomes silly to discuss Wandrail's pictures and amount of pictures. Now THAT is a stupid reaction.

Any sensible person who looks down this thread will see Wandrail's reasons for posting his pictures aren't to "let users see what he looks like". That reason was satisfied a long time ago. And I propose that he just likes to receive compliments and just to have people looking at his pictures. He also tends to make sarcastic comments about other people a lot, but seems reluctant to take any negative remarks himself.

Who really cares what his reasons for posting pictures in this thread is? It's called the "Really Official UM's Member Pictures" thread, is it not? What would you interpret this to mean?

Sure, I haven't seen someone so happy to post pictures of themselves for no reason for a long time :)p @ Wandrail ;) ), but that doesn't even matter... read the topic of the thread if you need your memory refreshed.

I'll ignore the Papa Roacharu comment on the basis that it's neither amusing nor clever. It seems ok for Xenophobe to make a semi-direct (attempted) insult though. Is that because you all "know" him?

Don't ignore it, it wasn't a semi-direct attack, it was a blatant insult directed at you.

You've done nothing but insult, spam and troll for negative reactions. Care to make any other contradictions?
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou

Wandrail, in fact, hardly anyone gratuitously posted anywhere near as many pictures as you did. One of the few to get close to your amount is Sh0kr0k, who is apparently, by some bizarre set of circumstances, your "woman" (insert nasal laugh here).
Wow, I really didn't think it was a problem to post pictures on the appropriate threads. Apparently I was unaware that my posting went overboard. Let's see, I've posted probably 3 pictures total on this thread, and maybe 10 total on the "Offical Pictures of your Favored Things" thread. I don't think I've posted any significant amount more than any other user on the board, so your ridicule is out of line. I can only guess that you made an example of me in order to slander Wandrail, which is just poor form. I haven't posted on the boards in a few days so I'm not sure what perpetuated this arguement, but I do know that I have done nothing wrong to ordain public mockery from you. You know, I don't even think I've seen your damn name on here until just now, so how dare you even bring me into this discussion without ever talking to me. And getting back to the quote, just what is this "bizarre set of circumstances" that you seem to be familiar with? :rolleyes:

Lastly, I haven't 'gone around insulting' anyone. I was called an idiot for no other reason that someone disagreeing with me
Well what the hell do you call that quote above?! You had no reason to even MENTION my name whatsoever. Not only did you wrongfully bring me into this, you insulted me by insinuating that I post an obscene amount of pictures on the threads and have therefore become a nuisance to the UltimateMetal community. This directly contradicts the first half of the last sentance in the second quote. If you can't figure out how, please ask.. I'd love to clarify further! :heh:

And just to piss you off, I'm going to post another picture of myself.. because I CAN! And to piss you off further, it will be a bad picture of me in a pink sweater! :lol: I'm starting to like this, so I'm going to piss you off a third time by saying that Wandrail can post all the pictures he desires because at least he's good to look at! ;) Have YOU posted a picture of yourself here? Without the clown paint? Until you do, you have absolutely no reason to badmouth anyone else. You came into this thread knowing full-well what would be inside, your reaction is your own fault.

Suck it up and take it elsewhere, clownboy... (hey one insult begets another, right? That's how it seems to work on here for you)


I'm pretty much done with this, i'll make one last post concerning this "subject" and ignore it thereafter since I don't have all kinds of time to be sitting on here anyhow and i'd rather not perpetuate this annoyance which seems to be the ONLY conversation "Papa Lazarou" (as he refers to himself in THIRD PERSON :rolleyes: ) can strike up. Anyway, I guess you could accurately gather that I like posting pictures by virtue of the fact that I have (harhar, Xeno!) posted a number of them, I also like seeing everyone else's...its the point of the thread. There are no said restrictions of posting one picture, saying hey, then never clicking the link again. My joking comments to others on here are just that, jokes, and anyone feel free to do the same on this end, I don't care, i'll probably think its funny!! But there's a difference that is obvious in the reading between a friendly joke between guys and posting multiple times in succession with the only point being to make inflammatory statements to provoke a negative response.

"Papa Lazarou's" attempts at appearing like some above-it-all victim in this idiocy, claiming he never insulted anyone and apparently no one can handle his bad Andy Kaufman routine are really quite poor. The conclusions drawn concerning me being some huge ego are really pretty funny, I don't even mind that. I in fact don't care what "Papa" says, but just as he can insult and play whatever silly little internet drama games he wants to play on here, everyone else, if they feel so inclined, can tell him what they think of his silly, contrived-name having self. In short - I don't care, if I feel like posting 100 mor epictures, I will, and Papa can spend his time being strangely concerned with why I would do it. Anyhow, at this point this is just redundant, and this post is fucking MONSTROUS!! So, yeah...LATER. And Sh0k - somehow you make pink reasonably metal... ;)