Skinny Viking
¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
I can put my legs behind my head and reach my dick , ive never attempted to give myself head because well that's just weird...
yeah well, with THAT neck I'm not surprised

I can put my legs behind my head and reach my dick , ive never attempted to give myself head because well that's just weird...
I had the strangest dream last night that not only has no symbolic meaning at all, was just weird and funny at the same time. Note i am not BSing any of this
I was in front of the Lowes (hardware store) in my local town, playing a game of skate (like horse in basketball) on a scooter with..... Freddy Krueger. Everytime i would do a trick (which was always a one foot manual to frontside tailwhip off a curb) he wouldnt land it, and he would yell FUCK and kill some random hott chick in a horrific way and make me watch the whole thing. We would just high five then it would be my trick again.
Just wondering if anybody else wants to share any of their really strange or funny dreams they have had.
Maybe I'm the only one here that has this particular sleep disorder, but about once every three weeks I have an absolutely horrifying episode of sleep paralysis.
Short summary, when in REM sleep the body goes into a sort of paralysis. Basically with sleep paralysis the brain wakes up but the paralysis continues. I'm almost fully conscious but completely unable to move. I always have a horrifying sense of immediate danger and rarely a vivid hallucination. Most scientiests attribute ghost/alien encounters with sleep paralysis. My hallucination is almost always the same: there is a very tall (about 8 ft. tall) figure standing in the corner of my room. It has no discernable features - no eyes, no nose, no mouth - nothing and it simply watches me. Until I knew what this was it was absolutely horrifying beyond imagination. At least now I know what it is so it isn't quite as bad, however no matter how much I tell myself what it is its still frightening.
I have a lot of false awakening too, where I dream I wake up and go about a normal days business, everything is normal and its usually quite vivid. Then I wake up and am usually horribly disappointed that I have to go to work again.
I don't really have a problem with any of these because I very easily fall asleep and almost always sleep undisturbed.
Maybe I'm the only one here that has this particular sleep disorder, but about once every three weeks I have an absolutely horrifying episode of sleep paralysis.
Short summary, when in REM sleep the body goes into a sort of paralysis. Basically with sleep paralysis the brain wakes up but the paralysis continues. I'm almost fully conscious but completely unable to move. I always have a horrifying sense of immediate danger and rarely a vivid hallucination. Most scientiests attribute ghost/alien encounters with sleep paralysis. My hallucination is almost always the same: there is a very tall (about 8 ft. tall) figure standing in the corner of my room. It has no discernable features - no eyes, no nose, no mouth - nothing and it simply watches me. Until I knew what this was it was absolutely horrifying beyond imagination. At least now I know what it is so it isn't quite as bad, however no matter how much I tell myself what it is its still frightening.
I have a lot of false awakening too, where I dream I wake up and go about a normal days business, everything is normal and its usually quite vivid. Then I wake up and am usually horribly disappointed that I have to go to work again.
I don't really have a problem with any of these because I very easily fall asleep and almost always sleep undisturbed.
Yeah, i have episodes where i dont sleep for days, but when i fall asleep i will sleep for like 14 hours straight.. during those periods i do get sleeping paralysis, worst, thing, evar.
Oh, and about "false awakenings", i had that once too.. i went out of bed, read the news while i was waiting for the coffee, made breakfast and poured up my cup of coffee and went to the table to eat: BAM, woke up for real.. i was so bummed out that i didnt even bother making breakfast.![]()
Maybe I'm the only one here that has this particular sleep disorder, but about once every three weeks I have an absolutely horrifying episode of sleep paralysis.
Short summary, when in REM sleep the body goes into a sort of paralysis. Basically with sleep paralysis the brain wakes up but the paralysis continues. I'm almost fully conscious but completely unable to move. I always have a horrifying sense of immediate danger and rarely a vivid hallucination. Most scientiests attribute ghost/alien encounters with sleep paralysis. My hallucination is almost always the same: there is a very tall (about 8 ft. tall) figure standing in the corner of my room. It has no discernable features - no eyes, no nose, no mouth - nothing and it simply watches me. Until I knew what this was it was absolutely horrifying beyond imagination. At least now I know what it is so it isn't quite as bad, however no matter how much I tell myself what it is its still frightening.
I have a lot of false awakening too, where I dream I wake up and go about a normal days business, everything is normal and its usually quite vivid. Then I wake up and am usually horribly disappointed that I have to go to work again.
I don't really have a problem with any of these because I very easily fall asleep and almost always sleep undisturbed.
I had the strangest dream last night that not only has no symbolic meaning at all, was just weird and funny at the same time. Note i am not BSing any of this
I was in front of the Lowes (hardware store) in my local town, playing a game of skate (like horse in basketball) on a scooter with..... Freddy Krueger. Everytime i would do a trick (which was always a one foot manual to frontside tailwhip off a curb) he wouldnt land it, and he would yell FUCK and kill some random hott chick in a horrific way and make me watch the whole thing. We would just high five then it would be my trick again.
Maybe I'm the only one here that has this particular sleep disorder, but about once every three weeks I have an absolutely horrifying episode of sleep paralysis.
Short summary, when in REM sleep the body goes into a sort of paralysis. Basically with sleep paralysis the brain wakes up but the paralysis continues. I'm almost fully conscious but completely unable to move. I always have a horrifying sense of immediate danger and rarely a vivid hallucination. Most scientiests attribute ghost/alien encounters with sleep paralysis. My hallucination is almost always the same: there is a very tall (about 8 ft. tall) figure standing in the corner of my room. It has no discernable features - no eyes, no nose, no mouth - nothing and it simply watches me. Until I knew what this was it was absolutely horrifying beyond imagination. At least now I know what it is so it isn't quite as bad, however no matter how much I tell myself what it is its still frightening.
I have a lot of false awakening too, where I dream I wake up and go about a normal days business, everything is normal and its usually quite vivid. Then I wake up and am usually horribly disappointed that I have to go to work again.
I don't really have a problem with any of these because I very easily fall asleep and almost always sleep undisturbed.