Reason for Your User Name ....

IcedMadness said:
I got mine from the band Iced Earth, but didn't want to sound like every other Iced Earth fan (at the time I came up with it which was 3 years ago) And now every 16 year old kid is "Iced(something)" I thought fang face was the name of the mascot for Gamma Ray and not Helloween.
No the Fangface character was born with Helloween, then Hansen took him back with Gamma Ray for the Land of the Free album, meaning that he was back on vocals ;)
In fact he also appeared on the first Helloween EP before Walls of Jericho.


Peace IcedMadness and Wicked Child, please don't make a fuss for that my friends ;)
-I am a fan of the show no mercy cover.

-I had a slayer shirt that had messy letters, it looked like it said sayer

-I had a metal(literally) miniature (for roleplaying) that looked like the slayer, so I used it as my avatar.

-the first name that I made was saYer, but that account had a bug or something, so I just made a new one:The saYer.

-Since I will be saying stuff here anyway, I might as well, you know.
by the way, the slayer looking avatar was my first to fifth avatars, this is my seventh, I changed it for dobkeratops from r-type cause I am an r-type fan (video game).
Fangface said:
In fact he also appeared on the first Helloween EP before Walls of Jericho.
Merde! I never had that one, I have the combo with the Mini LP/"Walls Of Jericho"/"Judas" CD :D , ergo I never knew.