Back to the film, maybe it was because I was playing scales while watching it because I was so bored, but did I miss something? The old creature with giantism swinging a hammer at the end...where the fuck did that come from, and what the fuck did it have to do with the movie? The "demon banishing" heard in the tape...ok so there's a supernatural part to all this as well, but where did this fucking Joey-Ramone-with-saggy-tits come from? The camera dude goes into the attic and of course the little kid jumps out at him (which I timed perfectly..blah), lights shut off, turn the night cam on, and there's Gumby walking down the hallway swinging a ball hammer. People are praising this as the scariest ending of all time, blah blah blah, and I just don't see it. They try to sneak by her/it, and of course it gives chase, then it goes into some Blair Witch bullshit and chick gets drug down the hallway. Thuh End. Any explanation behind the demon/thing/Joey Ramone lookalike and why obviously the ritual didn't work to keep it imprisoned? This is the biggest letdown since the 9th Gate. I'm really hoping I was just preoccupied with my guitar at the time and wasn't paying enough attention and missed a key element...but I don't think I did.
The coolest part was when they reached the top and looked down the stairs at everyone coming for them...that was awesome.