Recent Acquistions (With Capsule Reviews)

Jul 21, 2003
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Brutality Screams of Anguish- One of the few American death metal bands to really reach a level of melodic articulation on par with the Swedish bands of the time, Brutality still retained the percussive force and rhythmic intricacy of the Florida scene which spawned it. Perhaps the most useful point of reference would be Nocturnus' The Key, but the arrangements are more expansive and the instinct for the epic more finely honed. 9/10

Ceremonium Into the Autumn Shade- A ponderous funereal dirge not unlike Cathedral's first record in spirit, though with a classical sense of melody and structure. Stunningly beautiful once one is immersed in a this personal eulogy for a dying world. 10/10

Falkenbach En Their Medh Riki Fara...- In many ways more an album of European folk music than of metal (in that sense not all that different from similar vintage Graveland, though considerably more technical), this is "viking metal" that is not content just to rehash mid-period Bathory. Vastly epic and possessed of a heathen sensibility rooted in the band's spiritual core (and not in any cheesy gimmicks like synthy horns or kettle drums), it finds a simple beauty in ancient codes of honor with no need to resort to overblown artifice. 10/10

Morbid Angel Altars of Madness- This is an album and a band that has finally clicked with me. In the wake of Slayer, death metal followed two distinct paths, one beginning with Massacra and leading inevitably to At the Gates and, ultimately, Sacramentum, and the other beginning with this album. Morbid Angel build on the techniques pioneered by Slayer and the remorseless logic of violence to create dystopian hymns of alienation. 9/10

Obsecration Aceanum Oblivione- Like a lot of Greek metal, this is simultaneously primitive and sophisticated. Reminiscent of early Pestilence in its leanings toward thrash/speed metal derived riffing and production within a death metal context, but held together with melodic, atmospheric elements. Interesting, but not always coherent. 7.5/10

Rigor Mortis Rigor Mortis- An Ur-metal hybrid that set the stage for most European extreme metal to come. Basically technical but rock based death metal making use of techniques that would come to greatly influence both Norwegian black metal and Swedish death metal in the early 90's, setting the stage for everything from At the Gates to Immortal. The ideas are here, but the execution is not, with most songs consisting of short verse/chorus arrangements held together (or, as is often the case, not held together) by wildly self-indulgent leadwork. 8/10

Gay, gay, GAY!!!

Planetary Eulogy, would it be possible for you to desribe those albums WITHOUT sounding like a pompous, pseudo-intellectual wanker writing desriptions for the latest Nuclear Blast catalogue?

Were we supposed to be blown away without your oh-so-impressive Thesaurus skills?

Are you really so gay?
I'm not a fan of the Prozakian review style either, but I thought those reviews were rather good, for what they were.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:

Gay, gay, GAY!!!

Planetary Eulogy, would it be possible for you to desribe those albums WITHOUT sounding like a pompous, pseudo-intellectual wanker writing desriptions for the latest Nuclear Blast catalogue?

Were we supposed to be blown away without your oh-so-impressive Thesaurus skills?

Are you really so gay?
What? You thought those reviews were pompous pseudo-intellectual wankery?

(By the way, I much prefer concise reviews to long-winded essays)
Snippet from a review of Dismember - Like an Ever-flowing Stream

"...Dismember accentuate these qualities and build simple pieces into epics through emphasis on the release from order to deconstruction, layering driftlike afterimage guitars on the obscure fast and simple riffs blasted out in syncopation with a riveted structure of vibrations supporting the entire expression in a simultaneous chain of organic events in precision correspondence to a greater event."

Aww =)
"...Dismember accentuate these qualities and build simple pieces into epics through emphasis on the release from order to deconstruction, layering driftlike afterimage guitars on the obscure fast and simple riffs blasted out in syncopation with a riveted structure of vibrations supporting the entire expression in a simultaneous chain of organic events in precision correspondence to a greater event."

That's a little over the top...
Chopstick up the Peehole said:

Gay, gay, GAY!!!

Planetary Eulogy, would it be possible for you to desribe those albums WITHOUT sounding like a pompous, pseudo-intellectual wanker writing desriptions for the latest Nuclear Blast catalogue?

Were we supposed to be blown away without your oh-so-impressive Thesaurus skills?

Are you really so gay?

What the hell are you on, those reviews were good.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
What the hell are you on, those reviews were good.
Pffft....they're way over the top.

I would have expected better judgement from you.......It seems your name is rather misleading, Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract. You're not very brutal, or even very gore-ridden. In fact, you're Diet Brutal. On the surface, you present yourself as a product of true brutality and gore-soaked perversity, but overall, you don't quite cut the mustard.

Am I wrong? Or do you feel you truly are Brutal (with a capitol B)?

That boils down to one simple question: Do you agree with all those reviews?
I would have expected better judgement from you.......It seems your name is rather misleading, Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract. You're not very brutal, or even very gore-ridden. In fact, you're Diet Brutal. On the surface, you present yourself as a product of true brutality and gore-soaked perversity, but overall, you don't quite cut the mustard.

I laugh in your general direction. Go be brutal somewhere else.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
I would have expected better judgement from you.......It seems your name is rather misleading, Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract. You're not very brutal, or even very gore-ridden. In fact, you're Diet Brutal. On the surface, you present yourself as a product of true brutality and gore-soaked perversity, but overall, you don't quite cut the mustard.
Hahahaha, diet brutal. And you're just the run-of-the-mill blood soaked, stomach contents bathing, maggot devouring slaughter lord arent you?

Anyway, what does his oppinion about the review style have to do with his brutality or image?
I thought the reveiws were quite excellent. Maybe Planetary should rewrite the reviews at anus, to make them understandable, as Planetary has the necessary grasp of the english langauge to pull these kind of reviews off.
Dismember accentuate these qualities and build simple pieces into epics through emphasis on the release from order to deconstruction, layering driftlike afterimage guitars on the obscure fast and simple riffs blasted out in syncopation with a riveted structure of vibrations supporting the entire expression in a simultaneous chain of organic events in precision correspondence to a greater event.
That is one of the most cumbersome, longwinded and shitty pieces I have ever read.

I'd like to see Planetary Eulogy write a review for Sir Mix-A-Lot.
Yeah lord fireworm that review is awful, but on the whole they are pretty good, for the style he is after. Id would have loved to be one of their (prozak, Planetary) english teachers- "son, this is babble not english" If you are going to use big words, unerstand what they mean, and how one uses them in a context of a meaningful sentence.