Recent CD buys

Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies

Picked this one up at the local gasstation. It sat next to the new Ghost disc, which I already own. That's how you know a band hit the absolute mainstream here in Sweden :) They landed at positions 1 (Ghost) and 5 on the national charts. Apparently Ghost sold five times as many copies as number two on the list. Not surprising when new polls show that barely 6% of Swedes believe in god :) Satan has risen in the cold north! :Saint:
My Record Store Day Haul:

Adraingale: Crunch
Baker Gurvitz Army: Elysian Encounter (reissue)
Baker Gurvitz Army: self-titled (reissue)
Baker Gurvitz Army: Hearts on Fire (reissue)
Black Widow: Return to the Sabbat
Blessed By a Broken Heart: Feel the Power
Stan Bush: self-titled (reissue)
Candlemass: Psalms for the Dead (deluxe)
Charm City Devils: Sins
Crystal Tears: Choirs of Immortal
Dead On: self-titled (reissue)
Deathrow: Deception Ignored (reissue)
The Devil's Blood: The Time of No Time Evermore
Diamond Dawn: Overdrive
Dignity: Project Destiny
Dominus: View to the Dim
Dust: Hard Attack/Dust (2-on-1 reissue)
Enforcer: Death By Fire
Engel: Blood of Saints
Enslaved: Frost
Firebird: Hot Wings
Flotsam and Jetsam: Drift
Lonewolf: Army of the Damned
Loudness: Eve To Dawn
Metal Massacre VI
Midas Touch: Presage of Disaster (reissue)
Nocturnal Rites: Grand Illusion
Raped Ape: Land of Broken Promises (reissue)
Rival Sons: Head Down
Riverside: Out of Myself
Riverside: Shrine of New Generation Slaves
Scanner: Terminal Earth (reissue)
Scanner: Hypertrace (reissue)
Silencer: Kozmos
Slammer: The Work of Idle Hands (reissue)
Solstice: Pray For the Sentencing
Therion: Les Fleurs Du Mal
Jex Thoth: self-titled
Toranaga: God's Gift (reissue)
Vamp: The Rich Don't Rock (reissue)
Brett Walker: Nevertheless (reissue)
thanks so much for link, but i only buy physical copies. i steal downloads. ;)

Got it in the mail today. They shipped pretty fast coming from Europe.

Yesterday I picked up the new Geoff Tate Queensryche and was once again underwhelmed. Not as horrible as the last few releases, but not great.

Here's hoping the other Queensryche is better.
From Grooves Inc., on their way:

Bitter End - Harsh Realities (Matt, you were right, Metal Blade just repressed it... but I can't find any infos yet about it!)
Mysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno (Industrial Black masters)
Helstar - Rising From The Grave (boxset with the most interesting albums I didn't have yet)
Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade
From Grooves Inc., on their way:

Bitter End - Harsh Realities (Matt, you were right, Metal Blade just repressed it... but I can't find any infos yet about it!)
Mysticum - In The Streams Of Inferno (Industrial Black masters)
Helstar - Rising From The Grave (boxset with the most interesting albums I didn't have yet)
Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade

Ah yes, two brilliant Helstar albums in one of the worst packaging jobs ever.