Recent Disappointments

Everyone will have a different opinion. You might like Below the Lights, tbh.

IMO, their last solid effort was Axioma Ethica blarghu....
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What's the best Enslaved album?
Enslaved are one of my all time favoUrite bands and they are extremely consistent in quality. I pollute my britches with delight over all their albums, to some degree.

Below the Lights and Mardraum -Beyond the Within- are my tied pick for #1 if I had to choose. Blodhemn is also pretty close to the top.

Isa is probably the one I listen to the most, it's very accessible and I can pick it up any time of the year. It's very common for me to spin this one a few times in a row. The song Neogenesis is kind of a summary of the Enslaved Sound to me, past/present/future.

Frost and Vertebrae are my least favoUrite. Utgard might end up in this bottom tier as well... not entirely sure yet. I still enjoy them quite a bit though.

Vikingligr Veldi is often cited as their best, and it took me 15 years of listening to it before I realized how magical that album is. Supreme atmosphere.

In Times is the best from their recent era, I say. One Thousand Years of Rain blows my fragile little mind every time I hear it.

Given that you are on a huge doom kick, I'd probably recommend Monumension over anything else. Fun fact: this album contains the greatest bass tone I've ever heard.
from the recent period, In Times and Axioma Epica Houdini are absolutely solid, though I generally don't care much for anything post-Monumension tbh. The amount of love Isa and Ruun receive remains a mystery to me.

Team Frost all the way.
itt: it is absolutely shameful how none of y'all mention "ELD"

eld is a much better album than frost generally. the drumming is a little bit stiff but generally it's really quite strong and the only enslaved album i actually care to listen to these days except "vikingligr veldi"

although to be fair, svarte vidder is the real shit and will not be denied

this could 100% be on "vikingligr veldi"
Yeah I'm on my annual listen of Frost right now and it's just so......not well put together for them. All the elements of Enslaved are there, but it just comes off as kind of a mess to my stupid ears. Ask me again next year. Or in 2035 if I'm still alive.

I think Eld is great, although I don't listen to it terribly often. I'll put it on next!

Below the Lights changed me as a human being. I've listened to that thousands of time and it never ages a day. The mellotron opens things, and when that pummeling riff kicks in, good goat I am in Viking Prog Metal Valhalla for the next 46 minutes. It's black metal's version of King Crimson.
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My first was Mardraum and it's still my favorite. I love weirdness of it that was carried into Monumension. And you could hear it creeping in on Blodhemn. Coincidentally, these are the only albums with Kronheim, or whatever. I dont know if that means anything. I just thought I'd throw random info out there.
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This is an Enslaved thread now.

I haven't listened to Mardraum in quite a while and holy hell it never ceases to amaze me how exhausting this album is. Not in a bad way, it just pummels you senseless by the end with its sheer will. I don't know if these dudes were going through a Thing at the time or what, but the band sounds like they are trying to hurt each other / themselves / the gear / etc. I don't get that sense from any album before or since. Barely harnessed mania, I love it.

And I have since grown a better appreciation of Eld, listened to that about 10 times last this thread was bomped. It's a great Compact Disc.

Jury still deliberating on Utgard. But they kind of dozed off and want to listen to something else instead.
Mardraum is their best. I love that one and Monumension. Maybe it has ro do with that kronheim guy that was on those two. They havent been as psychedelic AND brutal since. I think he was also on blodhemn
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