Recent purchases/stuff you have got yourself.


Aug 26, 2007
Since there's no actual thread for ALL new DC:s, band shirts, tapes, vinyls or anything music-related you might have received or bought recently, I decided to make one! yey!

So: post here whenever you get yourself spanking-new stuff! ...or old... Doesn't matter! And it does't matter how did you get it, you got it anyway (hope that's clear :D )
Hope I wasn't too complex here.

I had my b-day yesterday, and these are what I got:

From my girlfriend (o how I love her):
-Opeth logo T-shirt with the band photo on the back.
-Steve Vai: Sex & Religion CD

From my girlfriend's parents:
-Amorphis: Silent Waters CD

From my parents:
Rush - 2112
Rush - Permanent Waves
Rush - Signals
(My dad's a Rush fan too)
Yeah I noticed that... but it says " the mail!" so.. these things aren't valid there. Forgive me for being such a killjoy :( So, should this thread be removed? I was so excited making this that I forgot the facts.
I escaped from an Ikea store (never ever going to go there on a saturday...) yesterday with several hundred candles and tealightthingies. It's the only purpose that store has.