Recent Purchases

Heh I wanted to do that, too!
But I don´t want to spend over 500 € for one night :(
Have fun :waah:

What night xD

I'm taking the first flight from Dusseldorf to Helsinki on the 18th of February.. I'll walk around Helsinki all day, go to the concert.. and after that go back to Helsinki-Vantaa and take the first flight in the morning back to Dusseldorf.....

So I'll get no sleep on the 17th (because there is no sleeping in Dusseldorf airport with the annoying humming sound they have at night..), no sleep on the 18th.. so I'll be dead for the whole weekend after that xD



The earphones are disappointing and tinny. (Even worse than is normal for such a tiny speaker)

The rum is surprisingly good considering its cheap price...good for my student budget:heh:

if only they actually looked like frogs...with a bit of luck I can scrape some money together to get some non shitty ones soon
I bought a pair of phillips ones a few weeks back, not the cheaper models but more high up. They're surprisingly good, great response range
That is a seriously SHIT photoshop album cover. Seriously, I know exactly how that was made, would have taken about five minutes.
Children of COB: I just bought a macbook pro; in fact, this is my first time posting on the forums from my own comp. Because I just got it, I haven't had a chance to mess around with it too much yet. But you were saying that they're too expensive. I got this one off of ebay for about half price. With microsoft office and adobe mastersuite 4 on it for free. Ebay might be the way to go, as long as you're comfortable shopping for high dollar items on ebay.
Also: I got Ovechkin's stick. It's bad ass. I can shoot harder now. =O

Fuck you got the whole pack! Where did you get Ovi's stick? And is it pro stock with his blade exactly or the normal one sold to the public? I have been told they're not the same, the normal one isn't as weird and curved as Ovi's, and I wanna try his, but his sticks are hard to pick and go for expensive :erk: Do pucks go really that higher in a shorter space than with other blades? Because not sure if that'd work for me as a defence. Currently I use Lidstrom.


if only they actually looked like frogs...with a bit of luck I can scrape some money together to get some non shitty ones soon

I want Shure ones. But they so damn expensive >8(

Both of you, your answer is Senheiser CX300. Will get them for under 50 euros and work fucking great. Great response, great isolaton and powerful and defined sound. For tiny headphones they're awesome. If you don't mind a bit more bassy sound the CX200 are cheaper but still give great isolation and sound. I'm currently using those, although counting the days to getting a new pair of CX300. I cut one of the cables last month accidentally trying to get off myself a weird hawaian collar thingie they put on me on a disco. Drunkness had much to do in me cutting the cable in half, yes.
Both of you, your answer is Senheiser CX300. Will get them for under 50 euros and work fucking great. Great response, great isolaton and powerful and defined sound. For tiny headphones they're awesome. If you don't mind a bit more bassy sound the CX200 are cheaper but still give great isolation and sound. I'm currently using those, although counting the days to getting a new pair of CX300. I cut one of the cables last month accidentally trying to get off myself a weird hawaian collar thingie they put on me on a disco. Drunkness had much to do in me cutting the cable in half, yes.

Yeah, I'd either want PortaPros, Shure ones or the CX300. Been lurking around alot.

So far the Sennheisers seems to win. As the PortaPros mess up mah doo and the Shure ones are expensive as fuck.