Recommended doom metal albums?

I'm not sure if this counts, but Embraced is a band well worth checking out. They play Swedish Death metal that flirts with doom, a more brutal and desperate variety as opposed to the thoughtful melancholia of Katatonia. "Momento of Emotion" is a superb song, combining beautiful piano melodies and harsh death vocals into a thing of beauty. It has my highest reccomendations (if anybody bothers downloading it, I'd like to hear your opinion).
Originally posted by Gdc

° Dolorian - "When all the Laughter has gone"

Yeah, I'd recommend this too, the last song ("With Scorn/ Perish") is worth the price on it's own- utterly crushing (and the ending of the first section will rip your guts out).

Green Carnation are good (it contains members of ' the woods'), currently have one cd out, 'journey to the end of the night'.

Other than that, pretty much everything the others have said (though the last 2 Candlemass albums are really good, esp the last one- strong Black Sabbath vibe, good if you like that sort of thing...).
Saturnus - Paradise Belongs to You
Saturnus - Martyre
Yearning - With Tragedies Adorned

These are very special ones, but don't forget
Anathema's Silent Enigma, Eternity & Pentecost III,
My Dying Bride's Turn Loose the Swans, Angel & the Dark River & Like Gods of the Sun.

:cool: (I'm coll cuz I'm in doom)
I'm not sure where you could get your hands on the two first Celestial Season CDs ... Their official website has the two latest, I think...

Yourdeadgroom, I agree with you about EMBRACED; their albums are utterly delicious, but I disagree with them having doom elements; at least, if they do have them, most black metal bands have doom elements :)

Especially their first CD, "Amorous Anathema" is a masterpiece - once you're hooked, you're hooked. I'm still wrestling with "Within" though, it doesn't do so much for me as the first one.
I didn't read above but my favorite doom album would be:

Paradise Lost: Gothic (first Doom Death Metal album)
Cathedral: Forest of Equilibrium (If you can find the CD)
My Dying Bride: Turn Loose the Swans & The Angel & the dark River & Like Gods of the Sun & etc... (the Best Doom Metal Band ever)

Those are the best old Anathema is not so great

Well I believe that some very important doom bands are:
Veni Domine - "Material Sanctuary"
Solitude Aeturnus - everything
Count Raven - "Storm Warning"
Candlemass of course - everything but their last 2
Last Chapter - "The living Waters"
Thunderstorm - "Sad Symphony"
Memory Garden - "Mirage", "Tides"
Memento Mori - "Life, Death and other morbid Tales"
(My beloved) Confessor - "Condemned"

Most of them are pure, slow, really heavy and in times epic doom metal followin mainly the Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell"/"Mob rules" and do not connect directly to the atmospheric doom/death that bands like My Dying Bride, Katatonia play.
I note this to guide your thoughts about the bands i mentioned above if you don't already know them.
I also should note that Confessor and Veni Domine have very strong influences of progressive metal.

Anyway on the other hand (thre atmospherodoomdeath) i will mention only one (not that i know many) album that really stuck in my mind and my heart. That is "OMNIO" by IN THE WOODS. I think you should really check it out...
A doom/Gothic metal band I like very much is After Forever.
The name of their album is 'Prison Of Desire'.
Check out:
Solstice - New Dark Age
Sorcerer - S/T
Fifth Reason - Psychotic
Fifth Reason - Within or Without
Anathema- Serenades/Crestfallen
My Dying Bride- Turn Loose the Swans

Paradise Lost, Candlemass... old shite.
That's a great band

I only have original The hell Simphoni and even I can't understand a word of what they are singing, it's brilliant.

I also have two more albums that I don't remember their names but they are singing in English and are totally blown you off!!!!!!!!!

That's a great band to check out, I don't remember if they are from Belgium or Chez republic but one of those countries are, BTW is very difficult to get their Cd's even on mail-order.