recording bass - sansamp?

Sep 5, 2003
belfast, UK
Any of you guys record direct using the sansamp bass driver? How good is it? I now have my Podxt for geetar, but need something for direct bass. I used to use my trusty Johnston J-station, but it's been sold.
Anyone try the Behringer V-amp bass things?

I like the bass driver a lot. I think you can get way more variation out of the bass POD, but the sansamp is great at what it does. It basically sounds like an ampeg svt.
Whenever I've had the chance to use the Sansamp, I've been hugely impressed. However, I had a very tight budget about a month ago and had to get one of these bass things, so I went with a great deal on the Behringer Bass V-AMP 2 Pro(the rackmounted one). It sounds really good, and it quite flexible. So, I'd recommend the Sansamp ones first, but if your budget is small, the V-AMPs are more than capable.
I have bought the SansAmp Bass Driver pedal (i didn't knew about the rackmount) and it's awesome and ideal for those who have tight budgets. I have a crappy bass and it sounds like a 1.000$ bass with that pedal. I also use it to record clean guitars as it gives a very rich sound.

By the way, what settings do you guys use in our SansAmp?

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