Recording Gear reccomendations!!


New Metal Member
Nov 16, 2003
I'm currently using a Digi 002 Console along with an SM 57 and a Sennheiser MD421 II for mic's. I also have a single channel Vintech X81 mic preamp an HHB Radius 50 and a DBX 376 channel strip but I think I prefer the built in mic pre's in the 002. If anyone has experience with the Vintech tell me should I be getting superior result's using this mic pre over the built in Digidesign mic pre's? I don't feel there is that much difference for the most part but I'm a noob and maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Anyway seeing what I have now what outboard gear would you guy's reccomend I keep, get rid of or purchase (reasonably priced) for capturing the best Metal tones possible. Overall I have been happy with my recording's at times but I want to get closer to that professional sound and bump my recording'a up a notch sound wise. any and all opinion's would be appreciated.

Hey Derek!
Here's Mordor from the JCF board!It's quite a bit I don't see you on the board!Sorry,I can't help you with preamps but this place is full of great ppl and someone will know!And btw,your death metal clips sounded always very cool!
ChaosFragment said:
Hey Derek!
Here's Mordor from the JCF board!It's quite a bit I don't see you on the board!Sorry,I can't help you with preamps but this place is full of great ppl and someone will know!And btw,your death metal clips sounded always very cool!

Thanks alot man I appreciate the kind words but I need to take it to the next level sound wise without breaking the bank and hope to get some input from Andy hopefully. I need to start posting again on the JCF soon but thing's have been so busy lately and my time on the PC has been cut down alot. See you around man.

Derek :rock: