Red Harvest - Internal Punishment Programs


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Red Harvest – Internal Punishment Programs
Nocturnal Art Productions – October 5th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Sometimes I’m in the mood for the avant-garde, and – at other times – I’m not. Going with the latter, Red Harvest completely subscribes to the predisposed formulas of heavy music. That is, distortion-laden guitars complement a flurry of drumbeats and gruff vocalizations. Electronic, industrial effects are in place as well, which conjures memories of Fear Factory. Most importantly, though, Internal Punishment Programs doesn’t do anything for the genre.

As I stated, the album features plenty of driving songs that chug along at a relatively speedy pace. Industrial sounds are often coupled with the actual instrumentation, and the momentum is subsequently obliterated when we hear pure, electronic-tinged opuses intermixed with the heavy tracks. A track like “Anatomy of the Unknown,” though unoriginal, can feasibly be considered enjoyable. “Abstract Morality Junction,” however, is utterly terrible; the industrial elements sans instruments ruin it for me. It’s not so much that the industrial songs are there: it’s simply my opinion that those select songs aren’t good. “Mekanizm” sees the band return to the death metal sound they’re so fond of creating. Again, Fear Factory-esque beats, rhythms, and idiosyncrasies make appearances – as far-fetched as it may sound, Red Harvest sound akin to a band composed of the younger siblings of Zyklon, if that is not abstruse. Songs such as “Synthesize My DNA,” “Wormz,” and “Internal Punishment Programs” are fairly predictable too.

So, I wouldn’t say the band is abysmal or anything close to that depiction, but – at the same time – I must acknowledge their lack of originality. Quite frequently Red Harvest droned on while I wished them to stop. Just stop.


Official Red Harvest website
Official Nocturnal Art Productions website