regarding the state of this forum!


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
Thus henceforth the aforementioned forum is rather in a state of literary good health, what. Doth patrons spaketh accordingly in plush regard to present compositions nameth 'A Natural Disaster'. Bravo I say, bravo!
i think he just means that its alright the way it is now and that he thanks everyone for keeping it up like this
i've become addicted to this forum!

these's such an amount of work waiting to be done and i sit here all day reading and posting!

is there a cure for that? ;)
Bastet said:
i've become addicted to this forum!

these's such an amount of work waiting to be done and i sit here all day reading and posting!

is there a cure for that? ;)
yeah, move on to the suicide thread
i'd suggest turning the computer off irene. if you need it for your studies, then disconnect from the internet. you are not missing anything!
Strangelight said:
Thus henceforth the aforementioned forum is rather in a state of literary good health, what. Doth patrons spaketh accordingly in plush regard to present compositions nameth 'A Natural Disaster'. Bravo I say, bravo!
Hear, hear!