Releases 2009!

Lol I don't know actually. Claudio is the other dude with long hair on vocals, and does like 70% of vocals on mind tricks. I know he did "atmospheric vocals" for them on Fragments but I'm not sure if that's him with short hair or just some douche extra for the video. Anyone know? I tried looking it up but DM isn't exactly a popular act.
Very. It's MUCH different than DM's other 2 discs. Very progressive, much darker atmosphere. Riffing reminds me more of Opeth than it does DM's Fragments CD. Go on like and listen to Demiurgo and Blue Lake. That paints a pretty good picture of what to expect.
I am very intrigued at the possibility of what will be in the new Disarmonia Mundi album, especially based on some of the EP songs - "Ghost Song" is really good but not standard fare. Spiral Dancer is sweet too.

I feel like I may have said this in the past. :Smug:

ahhh yes. because i did.


Yeah the only thing is that TRM is a collection of songs written over a course of like 7 years. Ghost Song was recorded before their debut, so prob not a good indicator of what's to come. Tracks go like this:

Across The Burning Surface (2006)
Flare (1999)
Spiral Dancer (2006)
Kneeling On Broken Glass (2005)
Chester (2000)
Ghost Song (1999)
Sorry, I wasn't being specific. I basically only was talking about the vocals sounding like Trivium's...And the older Trivium shit, like before they became the Metallica clone type trash.
I would probably enjoy it if that were the case.. I read somewhere it will be like 50/50 though.

Oh noes. 50/50 albums usually don't sit well with me. Then again, some of my favorite albums of all time were pretty 50/50. Amorphis - Elegy, Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion, Mercenary - Architect of Lies. Hopefully Scar Symmetry won't succumb to the 50/50 split of verses growled choruses sung. Ruined great bands like Soilwork.


James Malone (Arsis). Nigga was not kidding about his anorexia... just wow.

Also Decapitated announced a new drummer, what are your thoughts on that gentlemen?
DAMN he looks horrible. That's ridiculous. I hope he turns himself around soon and continues to make music. We Are the Nightmare was my favorite release last year.

Who is the new drummer for Decapitated?
I don't check the SMN Death Metal boards often, but I once did and some Polish forumers said Covan is pretty much a veggie. They also said that the Priest at Vitek's funeral basically said that he will go to hell for dying in Russia without believing in God or some shit. Really sickening, the Catholic community over there. :(

Vogg is gonna continue with a new singer. I hated Covan's voice on Decap's last album, but he doesn't deserve what happened to him, none of those guys did. They were all hard-working dudes.