Releases 2009!

Nah I don't think it's that harsh to call a man who has been having "album troubles" for 5 years because he is stupid enough to believe he can self-produce his music that is only fit for the ears of god, a faggot. Go to the Wintersun website it's like a fucking soap opera over there: "The album has become a burden. It weighs upon me like 10,000 black cocks sitting firm upon my shoulders, poking into my mind every hour. My equipment is not sufficient and I have begun to cry myself to sleep whilst cutting my thighs because this record is a reflection of my fractured life. I'm cancelling all shows until this record is done, but that will never be possible when I am only lvl. 4 self esteem with a permanent bitch status ailment"... followed by excuse 1, excuse 2. IT'S A FUCKING METAL RECORD! lol. Seriously, go here and read the last 8 updates. It spans over the course of 3 years. He should have just named each update "Here is why I am a pussy and my life sucks update 200X"

Oh and new SS is fucking terrible. I've given it 3 listens and now I feel like I should be sucking cock for money.

Maybe I do haves a cases of the e-rage...:ill:
Because I would like to retain the virginity of my e-asshole. I also realize that bitching at Jari and calling him a pussy faggot bumble-fuck will not help him finish his record, which, despite my bitching, I'm super pumped for (or about as pumped as you can still be after 5 years).
Part of me agrees with Don because most DIY bands would dick slap Jari in the face (esp for canceling shows, couldn't he use the guarantee money to help pay for the album?) but I mean on the other hand fans need to realize that they're in a shitty situation that really can't be fixed. All of their budget is probably spent on equipment now so it's not like they can move to a studio.

Full disclosure: I offered to give Jari some pocket cash (just like 20 bucks or so; this was when he needed a new computer) and the new Skyfire CD when it came out as a kind gesture in telling him to hurry the fuck up but he turned me down. :(
I'm no Wintersun fanboy or anything, but the album is something I definitely would like to hear. It just seems to me the guy isn't trying quite AS hard as he says he is to get it out, going on his site once a year making some pretty lame excuses and such. I suppose I'm just giving them a hard time cuz I'm a dick :tickled:

I'm actually kind of surprised there are still fanboys running around the interwebz wanking it even harder as time goes bye, typically metal fans are pretty impatient.

Oh, and the thing about trying to give him some pocket cash is pretty damn funny, haha. "here ya go my man, just trying to help the cause...Oh and put your fucking album out already... thanks broskee... peaze"
Yeah well on their forum at one point he was accepting donations or some shit so I figured why not give him like 15-20 bucks lulz.


Listened to Ensiferum's track "From Afar" 3 times. No good. Keys and choirs don't make up for the lack of good melodies.

Listened to Sonata Arctica's "Flag In the Ground" 3 times. Awful.

God damn this is a flacid night...
Necrophobic just got confirmed for MDF as well as Gorguts...

God damn I wish I could attend this.

New Ensiferum sux, too epic for its own good and no memorable songs. New 3IOB is amazing, I hated their last CD, so it's nice they were able to properly follow up to Advance And Vanquish. New Shadows Fall is meh.
The new Artillery kicks tuchus. Better than their first two albums by a long shot, if you ask me, though I can't imagine they'll ever reach By Inheritance levels again. Haven't heard B.A.C.K. but considering the rest of their collection is awesome I'll be working on changing that shortly.
Gotta disagree with you Aeonic, new Ensiferum kicks ass! Twilight Tavern is like the greatest song they've ever done. Love the 11 min Heathen Throne too, and the whistle solo on Stone Cold Metal. Awesome shit.

I thought the new Shadows Fall was actually pretty good despite the gay vocals. Great guitar work.
The Ensiferum album didn't do much for me at all, actually I couldn't even finish it... The First few tracks were decent, I'll give em another chance later.

The Few Against Many didn't do much for me either except for maybe 2 tracks, I'll try em again later.

Checked out this Japanese post rock type band Mono and their new album, it wasn't too exciting. I thought they had some orchestral/classical type elements in the mix but was dissapointed when I didn't hear anything like that. Hah

Also checked out this wild ass band Reaktor 4 and their selft titled album, its like industrial type black metalish stuff, almost techno like at times, haha pretty crazy. Some of it was really cool though. But listening to a whole album of it was hard.

The album A New Constellation by Nahemah was pretty decent, had some great tunes...though some tracks seemed a bit boring. I'll need to listen to it some more though, maybe it will get better :)

Yeeaaaaahhh The song skylight is up on myspace, a demo of the new material. This was actually the first song I had heard of their pre-prod stuff... I hope that bleakeyes and the like can hear the post rock influences in the stuff. That's their new sound, basically.
I really want to listen to it. I wish that I knew a release date, so that I could determine when I will get to hear the full album. I will probably crack sometime though, ha.
I thought it was atrocious. I listened to it with my roommate yesterday and one of the riffs is almost exactly the same as "Last Rites/Loved To Deth" and there's another song that has the same tempo and key as Symphony Of Destruction (in fact, we were jokingly singing Symphony along to that track). Chris doesn't really add anything interesting to their songwriting and just wanks all over boring, unmemorable songs and the production is sterile as you can get with absolutely no balls. I feel like The System Has Failed was the last good thing they'll ever do. :(

Devy pretty much summed up my opinion on the new Megadeth album:
Wow, I cannot wait for that Slumber album... sounds great.

In other news, Dying Fetus' new album is pretty cool... I was surprised I liked it seeing how I was never really a big fan of theirs, probably not something for everyday listening though.

And Arjen Lucassen's Guilt Machine smokes the pole.

Just got the new Insomnium album in the mail... I have a bit of an erection. :kickass: