Releases you are looking forward to in 2014

Looking forward to new material by Tool (hopefully at least), Alcest, Entombed, Agalloch and probably more I can’t think of now. I remember thinking that the new Alcest album cover didn’t look very 'metal like' for lack of a better way of putting it..
Has anyone heard the new single yet??

Yes, I have heard it. It's called Opale. They are going for a straight shoegaze sounds now. They've dropped pretty much all metal aspects of their sound. I'm a fan of it the new sound.

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I'm mostly unaware of who's releasing anything. So I'm just looking forward to releases from some local (New Zealand) bands who I know are working on new material, including Exordium Mors, Human, Shallow Grave, The House of Capricorn and Razorwyre.
Dimmu Borgir

Hoping for:
Dead To This World
Fear Factory
Old Man's Child
Machine Head

....and many more bands to be announced
I'm excited for Dimmu to release a new one if they are.

They should. I mean, it's been over three years since Abrahadabra, and they posted a picture of Silenoz and Galder on their Facebook saying that the new material is coming along nicely. I will pay attention to updates on Dimmu's new album status :popcorn:
Hopefully they will finally release the new DVD as well.

Just heard Wolves in the Throne Room are working on a new album so im looking forward to that. Celestial Lineage was a bit of a let down.
first of all , Triptykon "Melana Chasmata"
King Diamond
Van Halen