Religion and Sience

You are talking as if you know all religions, red all the books and scriptures that define them and know the basic pillars of all religions.
I have read MOST of them. The more obscure, unkown religions i haven't read up on. But the ones you hear the most about i'm pretty sure i've obtainted a good amount of knowledge about them, enough to state my theory. Religious Study is a hobby of mine.

Oh and i agree with hex...that goes against your faith.
I have read MOST of them. The more obscure, unkown religions i haven't read up on. But the ones you hear the most about i'm pretty sure i've obtainted a good amount of knowledge about them, enough to state my theory. Religious Study is a hobby of mine.
What's the irrationality that you found? and please let me know in which religion you noticed that :)
Don't get me wrong with all these question i just want to know what a person whose hobby is theology thinks about each religion they know about ;)
well...i can honestly say that the more obscure religions get, the more sense they make. Which i now is odd...let me try to explain. The largest very non-sensical and fairy tale like. But the most obscure religion that i've studied is called "Drophenism" it's a religion practiced by southern african tribes. Like christianity the tribes worship the ideal differently. But they ideal is this...If you treat the land well-the land will treat you well. and thats the base factor. Sounds like alot of other nature loving faiths, but, it's not cuz THATS IT thats all they do is cater to the land. Which is a logical thing to spend time doing...way more logical than praying to an invisible man. To list my exact thoughts about ALL the religions i know of would be too long but id be glad to tell you on an individual basis if u have a request.
Doesn't evolution deny one of basic beliefs in Christianity? How do you believe in both?

That would depend upon what you interpret as literal or allegorical. I believe God created the Earth in a round-a-bout and logical way - through science. He created the energy for the beginning of the universe and let physics work its magic to form the worlds he wanted; he knew what would happen, so he let it happen. I see no conflict with that, just as I see no conflict with evolution. God created us humans different from animals the minute he breathed spirituality into us. The method, or evolution, we took as animals to get to that point...well, it's science.

If I were to believe the Bible's accounts of the creation of the universe, and thus Earth, literally - well, that would just suggest that God is quite deceitful.
T I see no conflict with that, just as I see no conflict with evolution. God created us humans different from animals the minute he breathed spirituality into us. The method, or evolution, we took as animals to get to that point...well, it's science.

Doesn't the bible state that Adam was created in Heaven and not on earth? so how could the process of evolution of animal to a human being happen on earth, while the first human (Adam) came from heaven?
You're using Christianity as a label for your own brand of religion, then.

Or then not.. It's just how one interprets the bible. Some believe the part of bible that tells about how God created the earth and the bible as a whole is just symbolic, and shouldn't be taken fundamentally. Christianity isn't just that simple that all who are christian believe the same things, bacause there are conflicts even between christians.

At least most of protestant churches accept evolution over creationism and don't see a contradiction there. It's just a matter of belief, as naive as it may sound.
I never understood this tbh, the bible says that Adam was created in heaven and evolution says that human evolved from ape on earth

What I was trying to say, is that not everything in the Bible is to be taken from word to word. People shouldn't stick to one contradiction in the Bible when it really is full of contradictions. It's a book that is to be interpreted according to it's time and the resources the writers have had back then, not from word to word fundamentally. That's just how I see this, but I don't believe there's many of those who have tried to understand the Bible through science and logic and found anything more than stories. I think the real meaning is in between all the words.
I'm not sure where you've heard this, but it doesn't say that in any Bible I've read.

A Christian friend of mine :)

What I was trying to say, is that not everything in the Bible is to be taken from word to word. People shouldn't stick to one contradiction in the Bible when it really is full of contradictions. It's a book that is to be interpreted according to it's time and the resources the writers have had back then, not from word to word fundamentally. That's just how I see this, but I don't believe there's many of those who have tried to understand the Bible through science and logic and found anything more than stories. I think the real meaning is in between all the words.
Dude, are you a Christian? because you seem to talk about a random book that doesn't mean to you the guide of your life and the truth according to its believer.
I mean, if you are a Christian, you mean that the Bible is true, but you know that it is full of contradictions, yet you still take it seriously !
A Christian friend of mine :)

Dude, are you a Christian? because you seem to talk about a random book that doesn't mean to you the guide of your life and the truth according to its believer.
I mean, if you are a Christian, you mean that the Bible is true, but you know that it is full of contradictions, yet you still take it seriously !
I have been raised protestant, so I'm a christian - what comes to the Bible, here in Finland it's more liberal I think. The Bible is a "code of conduct" to all of christians and to me it is a part of life. But I know the Bible has changed during it's way from the original to the form we see it. I believe in evolution, I just believe God was the energy that made it all happen in the very beginning. I just don't know why people always ask "what about the Bible?" when I say something contradictory according to it? Eventhough the Bible is an authority in Christianity, at least to me it isn't such a big authority that it should be praised and glorified over it's meaning, after all faith is what defines a christian, not the Bible. It is important, but sometimes even I can't get my head around it.
I have been raised protestant, so I'm a christian - what comes to the Bible, here in Finland it's more liberal I think. The Bible is a "code of conduct" to all of christians and to me it is a part of life. But I know the Bible has changed during it's way from the original to the form we see it. I believe in evolution, I just believe God was the energy that made it all happen in the very beginning. I just don't know why people always ask "what about the Bible?" when I say something contradictory according to it? Eventhough the Bible is an authority in Christianity, at least to me it isn't such a big authority that it should be praised and glorified over it's meaning, after all faith is what defines a christian, not the Bible. It is important, but sometimes even I can't get my head around it.

......and ladies and gentlemen.....

The number one reason i could never be religous....The amount of twisting people do to it...and have already done to it. No offense to those who twist it to suit them, although twisting religion is mostly always one of things you're never to do according to the what you do. :kickass: more power to you. But the more people twist it...the more it actually contradicts itself, in that these people think they have free will over the religious doctrine they follow, which in religion is grounds for being a heretic.
OH and may i add...i was born christian..baptized and raised as a methodist. when i was around.....12 my Grandmother got sick, she was dying. I, a god loving christian at the time, PRAYED to god...for weeks to make her better. OH and did i mention he never answered my prayers. It's at that time that i dropped christianity. I wanted to fiddle with other religions but then entered into the mighty world of theologic research, and found holy whoop shit of contradiction and illogic, hence i gave it up. all i had to do was look at it objectively, from the outside to see.
OH and may i add...i was born christian..baptized and raised as a methodist. when i was around.....12 my Grandmother got sick, she was dying. I, a god loving christian at the time, PRAYED to god...for weeks to make her better. OH and did i mention he never answered my prayers. It's at that time that i dropped christianity. I wanted to fiddle with other religions but then entered into the mighty world of theologic research, and found holy whoop shit of contradiction and illogic, hence i gave it up. all i had to do was look at it objectively, from the outside to see.

Because you think religion is only about praying.Wich is not.
There is a very well known story about a priest.The city was flooding and the peopple were evacuating the city but the priest locked himself up in the church and prayed.The police came in and told him "C'mon priest,let's go!!! You are going to drown!!!"
then came a helicopter and told him the same,each time the priest replied "God will save me,all i have to do is pray".Then a boat and the priest said the same.

Two hour later he died and went to heaven.When he came across with god he told him "I prayed to you,with all of mi might...Why didn't you save me?" And god told him "Are you out of your mind?...I sent you,the police,a boat and a helicopter but you ignored them completely!!!

This shows that not all is praying.Being Christian,Muslim,Islamist,etc, doesn't mean that you have to believe your holy book (the bible,the torah,or the quran) WORD BY WORD.That is just one (very) big misconception.
......and ladies and gentlemen.....

The number one reason i could never be religous....The amount of twisting people do to it...and have already done to it. No offense to those who twist it to suit them, although twisting religion is mostly always one of things you're never to do according to the what you do. :kickass: more power to you. But the more people twist it...the more it actually contradicts itself, in that these people think they have free will over the religious doctrine they follow, which in religion is grounds for being a heretic.
Well, you might see it this way, and so do many others. I don't seek any power in my religion, nor do I think "I have free will over the religious doctrine". This interpretation of mine is just a way for me to understand Christianity, God, and purpose of all that excists.