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"If you understand that most people adopt religion for psychological rather than intellectual reasons, you will understand why I think direct, frontal assaults on religion rarely, rarely persuade anyone to atheism. If, as atheists have been pointing out for many years, religion is an emotional and psychological crutch, then you don't get a person to stand on his own two feet simply by kicking out the crutch, if for no other reason that the person will hold onto it for dear life. Rather, you must first convince the person that the crutch is unnecessary and even harmful. And then, you can convince him that he's able to get along much better off without the crutch. So you don't have to kick it out, at this point, he will simply throw it away himself." - George H. Smith
"If you understand that most people adopt religion for psychological rather than intellectual reasons, you will understand why I think direct, frontal assaults on religion rarely, rarely persuade anyone to atheism. If, as atheists have been pointing out for many years, religion is an emotional and psychological crutch, then you don't get a person to stand on his own two feet simply by kicking out the crutch, if for no other reason that the person will hold onto it for dear life. Rather, you must first convince the person that the crutch is unnecessary and even harmful. And then, you can convince him that he's able to get along much better off without the crutch. So you don't have to kick it out, at this point, he will simply throw it away himself." - George H. Smith

That was beautiful :lol:

This picture is pretty much the epitomy of a lot of feelings for me.
Do you think there is a truth I do not see? Wouldn't that logically (look it up) make me your inferior? Does that make me confused and mislead, not believing in the Bible? I find that condescending.

Doesn't affect in the life after death. It's just that he'll look more after the ones who believe, and make life not so pain/sorrow full also. That's what I think. And, only if you do something rawly against the word of God, and do NOT regret it(by then theres a chanche that youre doomed to go to hell), deeply from your heart, and really meaning it then he'll propably wont look anymore after you. But its true that human soul is not perfect, only Jesus was free from sins. So that's why God forgives you if you regret deeply from your heart, and will take God to your life and live for Jesus.
Anyway I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one less god than you religious poeple do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours
IMO, I think that there is SOME being that is bigger than us, but I don't believe in religion.
If people want to believe in something, they can, I don't see why I should butt in in their beliefs.
I don't really moderate the OT at all because I don't wanna waste my time reading all the crap you post here but religion still isn't the most welcome topic here. But since this thread seems to roll somewhat alright so far, let's enjoy it while it lasts. And btw, my favourite passage in the bible is Ezekiel 25:17.

I KNOW it's an joke, but when I got the bible thing on my eyes, that made me mad. I think that the creators of the "joke" in the first place are trying to mock on the religion. And think that It's all imagination, but it's not so...

I don't want to sound like an ass but I don't think religion is anything you couldn't mock. People mock a lot of things, it's not that big of a deal. We're on a COB board and people talk a lot of shit about the band here. So what? Shit happens. Have a laugh at it, take a chill pill or five. Religion is no different, no matter how seriously you take it.
Anyway I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one less god than you religious poeple do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours

I think I understand because of what reasons you dismiss our God. Check out the quotes on the first post and think a bit bout it.
The universe is approximately 165 billion light years across.


I don't really moderate the OT at all because I don't wanna waste my time reading all the crap you post here but religion still isn't the most welcome topic here.

:lol: I only made it to save another thread. I think this is a dumb convo myself :p but it's fun to hear opinions at the same time.
If you take the life of the Earth as a calendar year, with January 1 its formation 5 billion years ago, and Dec 31st its eventual demise as the Sun uses up its fuel and begins to swell, the amount of time between the death of Christ and today is 5 seconds in June. On the cosmic timescale I just cannot see a provident God creating the universe for our benefit. That analogy is from Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer Royale of the UK, and president of the Royal Society, btw. this is where I got the 165 bil thing from. Whether or not that's entirely accurate, we obviously aren't clueless about the size of the cosmos.
Are you polytheist ? :lol:

Think about it, I'm an Athiest, I don't believe any god exists. You're a christian (?), you believe that only ONE god exists. Therefore dismissing the existance of all other possible gods, be they hindu, muslim, buddhist or whatever.

Are they not EXACTLY the same thing? So therefore I say that religious people who don't understand Atheists, obviously can't understand their own views either.
Think about it, I'm an Athiest, I don't believe any god exists. You're a christian (?), you believe that only ONE god exists. Therefore dismissing the existance of all other possible gods, be they hindu, muslim, buddhist or whatever.

Are they not EXACTLY the same thing? So therefore I say that religious people who don't understand Atheists, obviously can't understand their own views either.

All those religions leads to the general wealth, the bad thing is the people missunderstand the text and take it like they want. Maybe it's the same god but just changed his name ?
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