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...except in the spiritual realm

Sorry, but you believe a man walked on water, shared a few fish with thousands of people AND rose from dead. Yet you're talking about "magic" ?

NOBODY can truely say they know how the universe came to be. But I would much rather believe in theorys based on science and evidence than "oh, a magical god made it all in 6 days hooray!"

The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window
What are your views about Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons?

Also, this is just for fun:

That's called faith.

Or hypocrisy.

Oh and this so called "balancing of science and religion" is a laughing stock. The way that christians nowadays are having to alter their beliefs to fit in with science "Oh, there were other poeple outside the garden of eden... yeah... that sounds about right"
1.- You don't must to take all that bible says so literally, the bible is a hard text and is kinda hard to understand.

2.- Free will man, free will.

1. Because he made everything he wanted to. Bible just says that he used the 7th day to rest, and look on everything that he created. It wasn't about the NEED to rest.

2.It's your own choise whether you want to believe or not. Hes not a tyran soo..
He lets you do what you want, and loves you. Only by then when you do against his word and do not regret it.

Cool. That indeed gave me some insight.
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