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As far as christianity goes, i have a couple questions for you christians.
1. So supposedly god made the earth in 6 days, then rested on the 7th. Why would this all powerful being need rest?
2. If god made man, then why would god give us a conscience to revolt against him?
Religion does three things quite effectively: Divides people, Controls people, Deludes people.
As far as christianity goes, i have a couple questions for you christians.
1. So supposedly god made the earth in 6 days, then rested on the 7th. Why would this all powerful being need rest?
2. If god made man, then why would god give us a conscience to revolt against him?

1.- You don't must to take all that bible says so literally, the bible is a hard text and is kinda hard to understand.

2.- Free will man, free will.
I figured this out in like gr3, and it fucked with my head so hard, my world was really messed for a while because of this but ok:

God made earth in 6 days (he made man on the 6th)...

Dinosaurs existed for MILLIONS of years. They went extinct.

Man and dinosaurs never lived together.

So wtf :erk:
As far as christianity goes, i have a couple questions for you christians.
1. So supposedly god made the earth in 6 days, then rested on the 7th. Why would this all powerful being need rest?
2. If god made man, then why would god give us a conscience to revolt against him?

1. Because he made everything he wanted to. Bible just says that he used the 7th day to rest, and look on everything that he created. It wasn't about the NEED to rest.

2.It's your own choise whether you want to believe or not. Hes not a tyran soo..
He lets you do what you want, and loves you. Only by then when you do against his word and do not regret it.
Is not almost the same that music DOES ?

People don't go to war over music, people aren't killed because of music, people aren't terrorized by threats of eternal damnation because of music.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
1. Because he made everything he wanted to. Bible just says that he used the 7th day to rest, and look on everything that he created. It wasn't about the NEED to rest.

2.It's your own choise whether you want to believe or not. Hes not a tyran soo..
He lets you do what you want, and loves you. Only by then when you do against his word and do not regret it.

You have the answers to everything don't you :lol:
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