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Why did he send his only begotten son to one planet circling an unremarkable star, one of 100,000,000,000 in our galaxy, which is in turn one of 100,000,000,000 galaxies?

He sends Jesus to every planet, to collect sins, kinda like a loan shark. :rolleyes: If he takes all our sins, then the Devil doesn't get any souls cause even child rapists and murderers go to heaven if they repent.
Why did he send his only begotten son to one planet circling an unremarkable star, one of 100,000,000,000 in our galaxy, which is in turn one of 100,000,000,000 galaxies?

Because appareantly there was not humans in the other galaxies, and God wanted to look more after the earth. You seem to be all about the science aye?

He sends Jesus to every planet, to collect sins, kinda like a loan shark. :rolleyes:

Could be, I don't know.
Please, he doesn't want to give out answers just like that if you don't believe at him at atll. If you really wanna know, you ask him yourself.

Well actually, I just spoke to Jesus himself a moment ago. He said he doesn't like you very much. He also told me he doesn't like Christians that much either. We're about to smoke some crack right now, later he will tell me the meaning of life.
Well actually, I just spoke to Jesus himself a moment ago. He said he doesn't like you very much. He also told me he doesn't like Christians that much either. We're about to smoke some crack right now, later he will tell me the meaning of life.

You're just being dumb, he surely doesn't say stuff like that. And it doesn't happen like that. First you must accept Jesus into your life, regret all the sins you have made and really from your heart believe in God.
I believe in the "side" which can prove itself to me. So far the only side that has come close to doing that is Science, fact, evidence, knowlege and logic. You could say I'm a "nihilist" but I dont want to be slapped with that term.
Seriously though, what are your opinions of Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons??

Ohh sorry you asked me? Well I can't say anything because I don't know much of them... But what I know of Mormons, I think that the boy who had that "table" thing or whatever he had, wasnt actually anything. If there would of really been something, I'm pretty sure that the angel would of let the other people see that too, that their God cares. <--- It's seriously based on the little what I know, but I can't say anything 100% surely
Ohh sorry you asked me? Well I can't say anything because I don't know much of them... But what I know of Mormons, I think that the boy who had that "table" thing or whatever he had, wasnt actually anything. If there would of really been something, I'm pretty sure that the angel would of let the other people see that too, that their God cares.

Nihilists would deny the validity of even evidence.

Yeah, which is why I don't agree with them. but I do agree with them on other things. We and all that exist are simply the consequence of a previous action. It doesn't matter what that action was, it makes no difference, there is no reason to try and make up theorys and ideas of why we exist. We just do.

But then if a theory of our existence and the way our world functions manages to prove itself, then fair enough, its believable.
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