

Apr 24, 2003
I have some questions for everyone:

1) What religion do you stand for, and why? [if none, then explain the reason]
2) What is your attitude towards different religions and the phenomenon of religion on the whole?

By the way, does anybody know what is the religious situation of the members of Dark Tranquillity? I didn't catch any mentioning of that in the interviews I've read.
I wouldnt want to know what Dark Tranquillity's religious beliefs are... but maybe thats just me...
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Niklas Sundin on religion:

What are your thoughts on religion? Do you or any other band members practice any?
-Religion is interesting from a psychological, sociological, and historical viewpoint, but no one in the band bothers with it. I know that our earlier lyrics reek of references to the unseen, so to say, but they were written years ago.

What are your personal thoughts of death? What do you feel awaits you after your physical demise?
-My outlook on life is 100% atheistic. Consciousness is an epiphenomenon of higher cognitive studies in the brain and will decline after the death of the psychical body.
God is nothing more than me, as The Kovenant put it.
God is the invention of man to control other, weaker willed men,
nothing more, nothing less.

I don't follow any religion, I don't know much about any of them,
I think all organized religion should be banned, if for nothing more
than the havoc they have created since the olden days.

I'd much better follow my own beliefs, however wrong they may be,
at least they are my beliefs, not those of some greedy bastard in
a stupid bathrobe.

If I would have to choose a religion, it would be something from the
east, like Buddhism, which I would see more as a philosophy anyway.

NP: (The) C/Kovenant - Animatronic - Jihad
I believe Anna Kournikova is a goddess. Until she grows old. That's pretty much my religion.
i'm an agnostic. more specifically:

- the existence of a god: i find it possible to the extent that we envision a very basic "god" essence, nothing anthropomorphic or provided with characteristics remotely close to those of man. a simple logical principle standing above matter. this i can say is almost a probability, not only a possibility.

- faith: i have none. i can ponder on god's existence and find it likely, but i have no feeling for it. all my considerations on the subject will always be based on human sciences, not on any emotion.

- religion: i can see the reasons for it and i appreciate a few of the social effects it helped to bring about in the past. but on the whole i regard such institutions as devious and feeding on ppl's need for reassurance, meddling and trying to coerce individuals to agree to a specific moral standard.

i am agnostic.
there is no religion with which i could identify with or which i think believable enough to give my faith to it.
some time ago i used to classify me as atheist, but later i found that i have a kind of "faith" in something that is of divine essence, but not in terms of some kind of "god"

world-religions generally: the scourge of the world. religions do not unite, rather they tear apart and split mankind.

np: mors principium est - life in black
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I currently do not follow any religion, and haven't for several years. Perhaps it has something to do with being raised Catholic. No offense to those that practice it, but left a bad taste in my mouth. I just never understood a lot of the "rules" that came along with it and some contradictions.

One of the Commandments is "Though Shalt Not Honor Any Other Gods Besides Him"...or something to that effect. It's been a while for me, heh. Anyway, why then, for example, do they pray to the Virgin Mary and pray to saints? Oh the confusion...

Anyway, for me, I believe that there is good and evil in the world. I believe that there is something out there, I just don't know what or who it is.

Religion also has been the cause for many wars, and still is to this day. People murder for their religion. I find that atrocious.

To each their own.:)
Well. As I´ve stated many times on this forum (at least twice)
i believe in the god, who happens to be quite a christian kind.
I have christian roots and I was raised into christianity and it it still dwells in me or at least on my "god-view".
Anyway, there are lot of things that drives away from christianity and all kind of organized religions because they swarm with hypocrites and all kind of real believers who cannot do anything because God would not like it or people who like to interpret their sacred books and try purify land of unclean people. Christian bible contains lots of nice tailes and i take them as tales.
So i state:
I would not like to cut all my strings, just those who try bind on to the Earth.

NP:Satyricon - Immortality Passion
1) i'm atheist, i was born as catholic, but i never really believed in, i used to go to the church for christmas ( :Smug: ) or similar things when i was a child cause my grandma was religious, but since when i went to live with my parents i haven't been to church almost never.

2) probably i tend to be a bit anti-religion, but in the end i'm ok with what everyone believes as long as they are ok with what i think.
According to Belief-O-Matic I am:

Unitarian Universalist

• Belief in Deity
Very diverse beliefs--Unitarian/Universalists welcome all deity beliefs
as well as nontheistic beliefs. Some congregations are formed for
those who share a common belief, e.g. Christianity.

• Incarnations
Very diverse beliefs, including belief in no incarnations, or that all are
the embodiment of God. Some believe Christ is God's Son, or not Son
but "Wayshower."

• Origin of Universe and Life
Diverse beliefs, but most believe in the Bible as symbolic and that
natural processes account for origins.

• After Death
Diverse beliefs, but most believe that heaven and hell are not places
but are symbolic. Some believe heaven and hell are states of
consciousness either in life or continuing after death; some believe in
reincarnation; some believe that afterlife is nonexistent or not known
or not important, as actions in life are all that matter.

• Why Evil?
Most do not believe that humanity inherited original sin from Adam and
Eve or that Satan actually exists. Most believe that God is good and
made people inherently good but also with free will and an imperfect
nature that leads some to immoral behavior. Diverse beliefs. Some
believe wrong is committed when people distance themselves from
God. Some believe in “karma,” that what goes around comes around.
Some believe wrongdoing is a matter of human nature, psychology,
sociology, etc.

• Salvation
Some believe in salvation through faith in God and Jesus Christ, along
with doing good works and doing no harm to others. Many believe all
will be saved, as God is good and forgiving. Some believe in
reincarnation and the necessity to eliminate personal greed or to learn
all of life’s lessons before achieving enlightenment or salvation. For
some, the concepts of salvation or enlightenment are irrelevant or

• Undeserving Suffering
Diverse beliefs. Most Unitarians do not believe that Satan causes
suffering. Some believe suffering is part of God’s plan, will, or design,
even if we don’t immediately understand it. Some don’t believe in any
spiritual reasons for suffering, and most take a humanistic approach to
helping those in need.

• Contemporary Issues
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s stance is to protect the
personal right to choose abortion. Other contemporary views include
working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular
approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty,
promoting peace and nonviolence, and environmental protection.

What do I think of this? It's another online test, thats what ;)
I took that religion test before and got (if I remember correctly)
1. Unitarian Universalist
2. Paganism and Earth-based
3. Buddhism

Heh... predictable somewhat as these (especially last 2) are common faiths of the majority of my family.

I identify most with being non-religious, even if I do believe in quite a few aspects of my ancestors' old faith.

Grimm said:
odinist/white power
Hmm... I don't agree with the second part of your beliefs (for personal reasons), but I don't feel like arguing. Also no offense meant. Sexy as hell avatar you got there btw.
