Removing reverb?


Dec 3, 2002
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Is there some technique for removing or minimizing reverb when dealing with samples/pre-recorded material? I have some choral music I want to use samples of in another project, but it sounds like it was recorded in a cathedral or something and I'd like to minimize that effect as much as possible. I'm wondering if there are any decent "de-verbing" techniques or if I'm pretty much screwed. :)
wankerness said:
Is there some technique for removing or minimizing reverb when dealing with samples/pre-recorded material? I have some choral music I want to use samples of in another project, but it sounds like it was recorded in a cathedral or something and I'd like to minimize that effect as much as possible. I'm wondering if there are any decent "de-verbing" techniques or if I'm pretty much screwed. :)

Not really... but you can try a denoiser. If you make extreme threshhold settings, it cuts away some of the reverb, but it has other disadvantages for it's a de-noiser :)
dude... when you try the gating try using a gate with a "floor" option (eg waves c1gate) .... so insted of the gate cutting the reverb to silence it allows an amount of the gated out signal through.... I have done this EXACT thing with choir samples for computergame music.

Its kind of like turning the wet down on the decays... then try to use as little on no compression on the samples as that will bring out more reverb.

good luck!.... it really sucks when time based fx are printed to tape and you need to get em off!

C said:
dude... when you try the gating try using a gate with a "floor" option (eg waves c1gate) .... so insted of the gate cutting the reverb to silence it allows an amount of the gated out signal through.... I have done this EXACT thing with choir samples for computergame music.

Its kind of like turning the wet down on the decays... then try to use as little on no compression on the samples as that will bring out more reverb.

good luck!.... it really sucks when time based fx are printed to tape and you need to get em off!


Thanks for the advice, I'll try this later today!