
Don Corleone said:
musicians are artists, and artists are, supposedly, the intellectuals of a it a writer, director, or a my opinion, it is almost the duty of an intellectual to voice its opinion on certain topics...including politics. thats the true spirit.

now, i dont agree with all of the opinions that are being voiced, but it's necessary that everyone gets to hear them. think about the hippy era...joan baez, jefferson airplane or bob dylan. how about bob dylan's "hurricane"?

i dont believe that everyone has to be opinionated and should add their thoughts and views into their art, but when someone does that and it's good, one should respect it. or at least hear it.

I would say artists are the artists of society. The word interllectuals is a term that doesn't have to be used about anyone who is an artist, anyone who has common sense, anyone who is well read, anyone who is politically aware. I would say I've met a few people who would class themselves as interllectuals because they have a degree, a masters and they would count their fellow students as interllectuals.
Allan said:
another problem is half un-intellectuals would already like to believe that, and at least half the other half think as you, leaving little room for opinion.
precisely which is why we have democracy to keep fancy any pantsy intellectuals and their opinions in check. I also find myself in agreement with taxi drivers on most issues :tickled:

incidentally while we're talking of bob dylan as an shining example of artist-as-social-commentator, he made a comment during his performance at live aid that some of the proceeds should go to american farmers, proof that artists should generally just shut the fuck up and sing the song. :ill:
Su Jacko said:
I would say artists are the artists of society. The word interllectuals is a term that doesn't have to be used about anyone who is an artist, anyone who has common sense, anyone who is well read, anyone who is politically aware. I would say I've met a few people who would class themselves as interllectuals because they have a degree, a masters and they would count their fellow students as interllectuals.
is it spely wroong
ta! My spelling has gone right down the pan lately. I should try to drink less boose when replying.....however, let that not take away from the sentiments of the piece.
Su Jacko said:
ta! My spelling has gone right down the pan lately. I should try to drink less boose when replying.....however, let that not take away from the sentiments of the piece.
Strangelight said:
This girl once gave me a lecture about how cruel I was to her, bla bla bla. It was a Sunday, just before the Eastenders omnibus. Then, as if by magic, Sharon gave exactly the same lecture to one of them skinhead fellers. Word for word.
Funny you should say that. My less than sane ex came at me with scissors on two seperate occasions, once managing to graze my back with a pair of material scissors, and the second time going for my bare feet with a pair of nail scissors because Id hid her galaxy caramel.
This was the exact weeks while the story was going on in Brookside about the 'wife batterer' husband who had been stabbed and buried under the patio, the episodes ending with helplines for women who wanted to escape their 'cruel partners' and loads of women wearing FREE MANDY JORDACE t shirts. Its obviously ok to murder your partner. Prick. She was RIGHT INTO Brookside as well, used to watch the weekly and the saturday omnibus episodes - it was deadly obvious to me at the time exactly where she got her ideas from. Thig is, I was the physically abused partner in that relationship yet she told a good few of our friends that I used to hit her. Lunatic.
Mick Moss said:
I was the physically abused partner in that relationship yet she told a good few of our friends that I used to hit her. Lunatic.
Your wife beating accusations complement mine. At least I eventually got the bitch to admit she was lying (and not by knocking her about)
Mick Moss said:
Funny you should say that. My less than sane ex came at me with scissors on two seperate occasions, once managing to graze my back with a pair of material scissors, and the second time going for my bare feet with a pair of nail scissors because Id hid her galaxy caramel.
This was the exact weeks while the story was going on in Brookside about the 'wife batterer' husband who had been stabbed and buried under the patio, the episodes ending with helplines for women who wanted to escape their 'cruel partners' and loads of women wearing FREE MANDY JORDACE t shirts. Its obviously ok to murder your partner. Prick. She was RIGHT INTO Brookside as well, used to watch the weekly and the saturday omnibus episodes - it was deadly obvious to me at the time exactly where she got her ideas from. Thig is, I was the physically abused partner in that relationship yet she told a good few of our friends that I used to hit her. Lunatic.

you didnt meet her in sloans did you?
im stoned, but i'll try to type anyway

but you are missing a great deal in my post. be it an opinion you dont like or do like, someone has to come out and say them right? and the artists have more access to voicing their thoughts and ideas, eh?

artists are, supposedly, the intellectuals of a society. they have their own views, and maybe worries about the future. you may like them or not, but at least everyone has to hear it.
I got a slap in a club once by some crazy drunken yoke, cause i supposedly stole her drink. But i didnt. And it hurt.:cry: Carlow I think it was. But with me being a gentleman I refrained from kicking her in the gee.