The "Rant about a band" thread


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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It took me a while, but now I'm beginning to feel sort of silly thrashing threads with my Mew rants, so here's a thread for the purpouse. I could imagine other people with a simular need and I do think this has plenty of potential for taking the piss too.

Mew's start is a sort of weird story, they met at film-school or sth, where they were supposed to do a short film, they formed a band even though none of them had ever taken any lessons in their instruments. After 2 albums "A Triumph For Man" and "Half The World Is Watching Me", they were signed to a massive contract by Sony, I think they're guaranteed 3 or 4 albums no matter what, not sure, this inspite the fact that the sales numbers of their first 2 albums weren't amazing and the music in no way normal chart-stuff. They weren't even well known in our own little Denmark.

It was decided to re-record 6 songs from the first 2 albums along with 4 new songs for their first world-wide release, this is the album "Frengers", released early last year, I was very skeptical to this formula, but it only took a couple of listens to conquer that, the sound quality of the 6 old songs was improoved, but they were not changed dramatically, which would have bothered me, and the 4 new ones are still getting better with every listen. They were performing at the Danish Music Awards early last year, I hadn't gotten the album then and people were saying this should be their great break through in Denmark, then they play "Snow-brigade", not a very accessible track, I didn't even like it at first listen, but the stage show was massive, It was all dark at first, but then it exploded in blitzes and blinking images behind them, the singer's own short films. They are a great live band, which they've shown the last 10 months of 2003, being on tour constantly, even went to Asia, and a whole bunch of shows in Britain too, where they all live together in a house Sony bought them. They are said to have a massive following in Britain that travels around with them to shows. Them short movies behind them, and then the contrast of the band playing this mostly quite heavy music, while the singer sings very calm melodies above it, with this fragile, evil tongues would say gay voice, but it's never struck ma as gay or cheesy, just beautiful and very nice in contrast to the music. They have never been labelled a heavy band, but truth be told, they're probably heavier than Anathema on average, at least on "Frengers". Last time I saw them, they impressed me very much by dedicating "Snow Brigade" to all people who shared the wish to bring down Danish minister of state Anders Fogh Rasmussen :) .

Their lyrics are sort of strange, but I think they're very nice if you leave them be what they are, very touching statements in between some of the weirder parts, like "I should have been a tsin-tsi for you" :loco: .

I recently stumbled upon a thread at the Mew site where a guy just for mentioning his purchase of the first Mew album "A Triumph For Man" received offers of up to 100 Euros for it, I checked it out, and it seems the going rate for that album is about 500 Euros on E-Bay :OMG: . Hope for all the newer Mew fans that it'll be re-released because it certainly is special, only one of the tracks was re-recorded for "Frengers", and all in all, I'd say it's as good as "Half the world...". Very dreamy, and naturally it's been labelled their best album by all the people who feel good about themselves for liking Mew before everyone else. And 2 of the best Mew lyrics, at least in their entity, are from here as well.

I think that does it for now, if you think you'd like sth that's somewhere in between Sigur Ros, Anathema and Paradise Lost ( :loco: ), I suggest you check it out. Elzka (and Crack?), please echo my excitement :Spin: .
Hmmmm, sounds like a mixture of Jimmy Eat World, Sigur Ros and Dredg...

But in contrast to the other bands I mentioned this is pure pop-music.
REVILE......go check them'll regret it if you dont!!!

have a listen to the mp3's....theyre currently thinkin of going back into the studio so check them out and tell them what u think in the guest book....
Crack Hitler said:
I'll second that, Allan. I still haven't got me frengers, tho. Ain't got the money. Great album it is, yes. And the gig was awesome as well. Maybe at some festival this year again?

Dunno, they're writing material for a new album to be released som time this year, late summer, I think was their immediate goal, so it depends on how that goes. They'll probably do one of the 2 major Danish festivals no matter what, they always do that.

Oh, just to proove I'm not blindly patriotic in my music preference, I'll warn you against Kashmir. Many Danish Mew fans like them as well, Denmark has been Kashmir crazed for years, I really can't stand them, so God damn boring, they make bands like Travis, Starsailor and Coldplay seem innovative.

Revile sounds interesting, I'll check them out as soon as I get my soundcard fixed.
So I've got my soundcard working and got a hold of the third available Still Opprør track, thought I'd share, this is 3 for 3 with this band for me, no if it was just possible to get their album.

Here's direct link from Karmakosmetix, check it out and don't be scared off by the strange intro:

There's 2 more track, the ones that are on the promosampler as well.
So it seems there's this whole independant scene in Denmark I never really checked out properly, bought the cd of this band named Amber the other day and I'm very pleased about it. Just bass, percussion, vibraphone (not sure it's called that in English but I can't bother checking), female vocalist and an occasional cello. Sounds boring but it isn't at all. A bit Portisheadish, just not boring. That famous dude Steve Albini recorded it though I read it was self-financed (Duck On The Walk Records haha). The vocals are really sth.

Here's the site, though the songs there aren't their most impressive: