
New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2006
i know some has their own kind of metal music and some dont like others. whether its brutal music, melodic, black, progressive, etc. my question is, is there an existence of respect among those people under the "metal roof"?
...unless you see a DM band that has some local emo-fuck band supporting them. Then the feeling of brotherhood is replaced by a feeling of kick the cunt with the floppy fringe in hood.
In real life there is, on the internet there isn't. Though that's just like everything else on the web, people act like asshole when there's no accountability and don't when there is. Metal's something people have in common and since it tends to be a fringe thing most fans are glad to have people to discuss it with and so get along well with each other when they're brought together. You can call it a HOLY METAL BROTHERHOOD if you like but its not any less common in other underground music communities.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
If there is any comradery, it isn't enough, because too many metalheads get harassed and beaten by roving gangs of gutterpunks, rednecks, and wiggers.

Fuck those idiots.they better think twice if trying to beat my ass.Fucking pussy Faggots
I've been punched in the jaw by a redneck really really hard(thought I broke my jaw actually). Actually the kid is in jail because he's crazy. Luckly his dad knew he wanted to kick my ass and was their to get him because he would have probably hospitalized me.

The kids cousin has giganticism and also threw me into a brick wall giving me cuts all over my neck and back.

It sucks when you have 3,4 rednecks from some shitty town near yours that think you talked shit. Regardless me listening to metal I was horrified. I'm scrawny and 5'6'' and some people just have a tremendous edge over me. I was afraid these kids were going to shoot me or burn my house down. no joke

I had to deal with the kids for months until they eventually were arrested for breaking and entertaining someone's house beating the shit out of some guy. School systems were afraid to suspend all of them and I was not the only person that had to deal with it.

I remember taking a piss one time in the bathroom and one of the kids came in. I thought my head was going to be slammed off the flush thing. I'm trying putting my dick away and this kid is threatening to kill me as I do it. Now I carry a knife and anyone who wants to mess with me would get that knife in their throat. My entire thinking towards people is way different now and i've found the hatred in me.
The Greys said:
I've been punched in the jaw by a redneck really really hard(thought I broke my jaw actually). Actually the kid is in jail because he's crazy. Luckly his dad knew he wanted to kick my ass and was their to get him because he would have probably hospitalized me.

The kids cousin has giganticism and also threw me into a brick wall giving me cuts all over my neck and back.

It sucks when you have 3,4 rednecks from some shitty town near yours that think you talked shit. Regardless me listening to metal I was horrified. I'm scrawny and 5'6'' and some people just have a tremendous edge over me. I was afraid these kids were going to shoot me or burn my house down. no joke

I had to deal with the kids for months until they eventually were arrested for breaking and entertaining someone's house beating the shit out of some guy. School systems were afraid to suspend all of them and I was not the only person that had to deal with it.

I remember taking a piss one time in the bathroom and one of the kids came in. I thought my head was going to be slammed off the flush thing. I'm trying putting my dick away and this kid is threatening to kill me as I do it. Now I carry a knife and anyone who wants to mess with me would get that knife in their throat. My entire thinking towards people is way different now and i've found the hatred in me.

Victims of bullying are funny!
I bet you we bullied a lot more fatty. I only had to deal with a few locals(mainly the ones above). I moved here and even weird people find me weird. You can come forward and admit someone bullied you. I have been to a lot of metal shows and no one is by any means is 'tough'. Most people who think they are tough had not had to deal with people who are actually deranged and tough.
The Greys said:
I've been punched in the jaw by a redneck really really hard(thought I broke my jaw actually). Actually the kid is in jail because he's crazy. Luckly his dad knew he wanted to kick my ass and was their to get him because he would have probably hospitalized me.

The kids cousin has giganticism and also threw me into a brick wall giving me cuts all over my neck and back.

It sucks when you have 3,4 rednecks from some shitty town near yours that think you talked shit. Regardless me listening to metal I was horrified. I'm scrawny and 5'6'' and some people just have a tremendous edge over me. I was afraid these kids were going to shoot me or burn my house down. no joke

I had to deal with the kids for months until they eventually were arrested for breaking and entertaining someone's house beating the shit out of some guy. School systems were afraid to suspend all of them and I was not the only person that had to deal with it.

I remember taking a piss one time in the bathroom and one of the kids came in. I thought my head was going to be slammed off the flush thing. I'm trying putting my dick away and this kid is threatening to kill me as I do it. Now I carry a knife and anyone who wants to mess with me would get that knife in their throat. My entire thinking towards people is way different now and i've found the hatred in me.

this is an incredible post
There is great respect within the metal community for other metal fans, but there are certain lines you can't cross without losing a lot of that respect. For example, I've been banned from some metal websites because I'm a Christian.
The only reason I appear to have any respect for metalheads in real life is because I'd probably get beat up if I went around telling people that they were gay and that their favorite bands are crap.