Revalver IV coming 19th August

Tested it quickly. Hated the amps but I must say I really liked RIR 2 with the Flathill cabinet. I think it's the most realistic cab sim I have tried. @HOFX your files actually confirmed my impression. Too bad the amps sound so dry and unresponsive under my fingers and to my ears compared to X50 or Emissary.
After testing R4's demo, I can safely that I'm not liking it. And this is coming from a HUGE fan of III.V. The fizzyness is gone, yes, but I'm not liking how every tone I get is lacking "crispyness", for lack of a better term, which can easily get out of TH2 and Amplitube and other freeware amps/cabs. The ACT input modeling intrigues me, but it's not enough for me to drop the $50 right now to upgrade. I also can't figure out how to get it to run in stereo. Even when I have two chains running, it comes out mono sounding. I also noticed that the Boss inspired distortion and overdrive pedals appear to be gone. Although I understand why we can't, I don't like how we can't run 3rd party amps, but we can run pre and post 3rd party plugins. Tie all this into the fact that I have to use a USB device (which isn't a big deal as it can be any USB device, it's still an annoyance), right now I'm passing on Revalver 4, and it pains me because I had high hopes for it after loving III.V.

Looks like I'll be buying more Amplitube gear in the next few days.
Got some help with two things and figured out the mono thing.

Mono, want stereo?: In the input menu, there's a mono button on the VU Meter that's automatically enabled. Disable that and viola!

The "crispyness" I was referring to: This can achieved by right clicking on an amp going through the different cab impedences.

There IS an option for 3rd party preamps, I was only seeing it in the pre and post section.

Suddenly, things are looking like I may purchase today and go broke until later this week. lol
Yeah, I think I spoke too soon. Some instances I get stereo, other instances I get mono. It seems like in addition to the mono button, there's also a "stereo option" for each module but that gets really weird. I chose to run chain A's 808 as stereo, and it worked. Run chain B's as stereo...back to mono. I can see if it's combined the two stereo fields, but that's really weird and the feature isn't all that clear as to how it works. I still have to run two chains to process a stereo guitar buss.

Like....if we can't run a stereo buss through one chain and choose the stereo option on each module (right click), what is it for?

Edit: For some reason, it seems like it'll combine the two channels for the left channel, but give me the correct playback in the right channel. I absolutely can't figure this out. I'm testing this on my stereo rhythm track, and it's totally not working out.
Too bad the amps sound so dry and unresponsive under my fingers and to my ears compared to X50 or Emissary.

My thoughts exactly. It's not that I didn't like it, just not as much as X50 & Emissary. I can dial in a tone I'm happy with much faster with those. X50 just has a certain feel I like for my tastes so it's pretty much how I set the bar for myself.

I do like the fact that you can purchase only what you want, but I'm not sure yet if I feel it's tonally worth the full upgrade from III.V. We will see, I have to spend more time exploring I guess.

Mmmm... Cabinet models aren't phase coherent. That's shitty...

Yes! I tried to blend a SM57 with a R121 (it took me 10 mins to work out how to do this) and it went all funky. So, there's no way to blend mics / cabs. This is a big oversight.
Really annoying me that I can't figure out how to run it in stereo from one amp model in one instance of Revalver.

Clicked stereo on input, clicked stereo on the modules, even tried adding the panning module in the effects block...
Yes! I tried to blend a SM57 with a R121 (it took me 10 mins to work out how to do this) and it went all funky. So, there's no way to blend mics / cabs. This is a big oversight.

I don't have phase problems with one single cab model and different mics, but between different cabs. Not a huge deal since I only really like one of their models. Not something I'd expect from a supposedly finished product though.

And that stereo issue is a real deal breaker.
I don't have phase problems with one single cab model and different mics, but between different cabs. Not a huge deal since I only really like one of their models. Not something I'd expect from a supposedly finished product though.

And that stereo issue is a real deal breaker.

I just now read a response in my post on their support forum about that. It operates as a real amp, so you have to use an instance on each guitar track (1 left/1 right double tracked, 4 on each for quad tracked etc). I'm going to ask them what's the point of the stereo option when you right click on a module.
i tried v4...did not like it. Most presets too boomy, dark..gainy... Maybe cool for playing on your own with the room feature but nothing close to what i would use in a mix.
dialed in some good tones but it was only possible with a large chain of stomps and stuff.
Just Ts, Sm57. 6505, Mesa cab or other cab did not work for me. Dig X50 much more
Also it did eat up my cpu at lowest latency abou 40% 1 track haha
I just now read a response in my post on their support forum about that. It operates as a real amp, so you have to use an instance on each guitar track (1 left/1 right double tracked, 4 on each for quad tracked etc). I'm going to ask them what's the point of the stereo option when you right click on a module.

That's just ridiculous. That means I have to tweak each guitar twice and can't change L/R at the same time. I would rather make small changes to differ L/R after I have found the double tracked sound first lol.
Is there a list of bug fixes and changes anywhere? I don't want to update just yet until I know what changes have been made so I don't mess with the mixes I'm working on!
Is there a list of bug fixes and changes anywhere? I don't want to update just yet until I know what changes have been made so I don't mess with the mixes I'm working on!
Here it is:

The Amp Store and program version with build date 140910 has the following changes:

(The 2 new modules require a program update and can't be used without the new version. Available at )

* Added new ACT library: Clearview Plexiguitar
* Added new ACT library: T-Caster Deluxe
* Added NJFET capacity, non configurable.
* Improved Op-Amp simulations, slew rate, descriptions. Added more op-amps.
* Added new stomp: The Black Death (Rat-clone).
* Added new stomp / Effect: 8 band graphical EQ.
* Fixed bug, where in some circumstances, ACT would not be properly re-loaded when present in a DAW project.
* Added delay compensation and phase inversion in RIR
* Added delay compensation and phase inversion in RIR2
* Added delay compensation in Signal splitter
* Added option to always upsample module, regardless of sample rate.
* Additional warning when selecting USB device for the first time.
* When changing the GUI scale factor, a "Do you wish to keep this setting" question will be asked when new size has been applied.
* Added delay compensation to Chain A/B mixing.