RevalverIII JSX test (clip inside)


Jun 14, 2007
Here is a small clip I did with Revalver III and the JSX, I think this program is awesome and I want to show how is sounds without any processing other than the amp, a tubescreamer and a cabinet. There are no EQ's no compressors or anything so there will be some fizz and bottom end that you would usually cut out in a mix, (and also some sloppy playing hehe). The tubescreamer is also in revalver and the impulse is guitarhacks. It's an InFlames riff and it's just a single guitartack. Enjoy ;) :headbang:

Oh BTW I should mension that my strings are quite old :erk:
So is there a demo out? I can't find one on the Alien Connections site, yet I notice the same static noises that the Mk II demo had. Nice clip, this software seems pretty amazing so far.
Thanks for that clip zappa! Really appreciated.... it actually inspired some of my confidence in Revalver MK3 again. I was fairly disappointed with the other clips posted, but this one sounds quite a lot closer to what I would expect when I stick a 57 before a JSX. There are still some of the telltale digital signs, but I think with work, and perhaps moving on from impulses onto that method that models distortion over time too (I forget the name of the software that does it) would do it some good.
Man...the Krank Rev Jr will have to wait, MKIII is top priority now. Nice clip man. I think any of the very slight digitalness will disappear within a mix.

This is cool and all but wouldn't you guys still rather mic a cab? There's a sort of pride and accomplishment that comes with getting a great sound "the old fashioned way" that sort of disappears when you just plug into your soundcard and emulate everything...
I definitely agree with you F0RBIDDEN, but I do all my writing with recording, and given how much writing I do, the usefulness of this for anything other than album-worthy stuff cannot be overstated. It will be mine!
Yeah I agree I use a V-Amp for all my little demo'ing and stuff so this would be cool for that, although the tone I get out of that little plastic blue Chinese box is more than acceptable for my demo purposes. It just seems like this stuff is being marketed more and more towards replacing microphones completely. I'm starting to sound like a vintage snob or something now haha, but the idea of microphones in general being "vintage" is pretty fucked up :lol:
I prefer mic'ing a cab as much as the next guy. But the thing is, I don't have the money to get all of these amps. ReValverMKIII, PODxt/X3, and the likes give you a useful tool. True, PODxt so far has a very digital sound to it, but that could work for some things, as shown by BlackNeonBob, Splat, Bulb, that guy with the song named Egg, etc. ReValverMKIII is the newest attempt by anyone and so far has the best results that I have heard from any ampsim. I don't plan on selling off my Bugera, MP-1, MP-2 and Dual Recto or my Mesa 4x12 at all...I just look at ReValver as another amp, more specifically another tool. Another option. If it yields great results, you bet your ass I will use it. If a band comes in and doesn't like any of the tones I've gotten from a mic'ed amp, ReValver just may save the day. My goal is to provide bands with the most options that I can. My approach to recording guitars is ALWAYS take a DI. Always. Even if I don't reamp, or do anything with the DI track, at least the options are still there. Having the DI opens up so many options. Having cabinet impulses opens up even more. If they don't like the tone they got, I can reamp the guitars into one of the amps I have, if they like the amp but not the cabinet, or they like the amp and cab, but not the mic, I can use an impulse. It's a pretty impressive ability to have, IMO.

All that said, I think I will only be getting the RaValver HP version and SIR2. The only amps that I care about having are the Peaveys and since the HP version doesn't allow you to import your own impulses, SIR2 will remedy that problem. Plus I'll pretty much be spending the same amount as if I were getting the full MKIII.

Hmm. Good point. But, it all depends on if there is an educational discount on MKIII like the previous versions. If there is, I will get the full version. But I can get SIR2, $189 minus a student discount. So...if MKIII doesn't, I will spend a bit less on SIR2+ReValverHP.

By the way, Brett, I got the 85 yesterday. Now I have to put my 81 back in the neck and put the 85 in, can't wait to try it out! You should be getting my 81 very soon if you haven't already. The guy at the post office said 1.5 weeks for delivery. And I happen to think the packaging was very sexy :lol: The neck pickup was just poorly wired to the battery wire. Actually I'm kind of disappointed because it wasn't even soldered together, just a piece of tape wrapped around the three (both 81's and battery wires). When I got the MP-1 and MP-2, and then the Bugera I had to play them so I put the 81 in the bridge.

so far I haven't found a proof that there are no impulse possibilities on the hp version. neither here nor in the alien dev forum. untill there's no proof I'm still believing the HP version will be great. Last thing I heard form Michael was, that the hp version will probably contain less impulses than the "real" deal.
Exactly what F0RBIDDEN said. I need to know if you can import your own impulses with the HP version. You can in the full version, we know that much for certain.

On the product description it just says that HP features 75 speaker models, whereas the full MKIII has 150. All I can find is that the HP version is missing the other amps, a few little effects or something, half of the speaker models and all of the deep editing (tube tweaking, etc.). I haven't found anything about the ability to import your own impulses, but I remember somebody saying you can't when I asked in another ReValver thread on here.

The question is not if the HP version will support impulses, that can be solved. The question is if the input/output tweak module will be there.

For us metal guys the new input voltage slider is a must. It's a slider that adjusts the input to the amp from your pickups, for instance if you have high gain pickups a real amp will distort more, where in the digital world the input gain is the same for all guitars because it's normalised. This module solves this and you simply tell it how loud your pickups are. If you remember RevII had very little gain, it was because of that problem.

You can also EQ the input before and after the amp in this module. I'm not sure the HP version will have it.