Review Thread

Something I noticed from the radio and previews and whatnot.....a few of the songs seem to be "perspective songs"

I AM is from God's perspective, He's talking about Himself in 1st person
Nailed is from Martin Luther's perspective
Altar to the Unknown God is from Paul's perspective
Drown seems to be from Peter's perspective (at least the samples I've heard of it)
Reminds me of Simeon in Bethlehem (which is one of my four favorite songs).
I seems upon further review, Altar... is from the Greeks' perspective when Paul comes to town. My bad, I had it backwards. Then I listened to the sample on Amazon again, and was like 'wait a minute...'
Okay, this thread is just killing me! I need new Theocracy! And, Matt: What no demo disc for your resident-fan-bestselling-author??? I'd be happy to put a review up on my book site "Enter the Door Within." Lots of traffic! Lots of metal heads! Hint, Hint, nudge, nudge. Say no more. ;-)
I've heard 9 out of the 10 tracks on AS THE WORLD BLEEDS, and every track is killer! The only one I haven't heard yet is "The Gift of Music". I'll be getting my preorder bundle for the album this week. Seriously looking forward to adding this to my collection!
I've only heard Thirty Pieces of Silver. My take on that song was that it was a really awesome song, really loved parts of it, but the arrangement of it was too sparse; a lot of the time there is nothing playing except one guitar and the drums. It sounded a little empty at times. Still good, but I'm just hoping to hear more of those good old theocracy keyboard parts and guitar harmonies. Anyone agree with me on this, or is it just me?
As someone who's heard more than just the single, allow me to say it's one of the weaker tracks I've heard. I love it, the lyrics are phenomenal and whatnot, but songs like Nailed (which took a really long time to grow on me, but now I love it) and I AM blow it away. Especially I AM
30 Pieces of Silver has grown on me a lot, but you're right, it isn't normal Theocracy style (except the chorus). I liked it a lot more when I started treating it as Theocracy's take on a more straightforward, stripped-down power metal sound - the focus on wicked thrashy riffing, pounding drums, and soaring vocals. I think there are actually quite a few really catchy guitar-driven melodies in the song, but yes, more harmonization may have helped :)
Well, I'm 100% thrilled with 30 Pieces of Silver. We'll see once I hear the rest. I posted it on Facebook and got some nice comments from friends who are Theocracy fans, but not diehards like us:

- "Looks like I'll be buying another CD on recommendation from you! I gotta say, Matt's lyrics, as always, cut right to the heart of it."

- "This is utterly fantastic! I feel like Smith has finally gone up a level. This song is edgier and more powerful all across the board - lyrically, composition, arrangement, everything. I'm definitely buying this the first place I see it!"

- "OMG!!! this is incredible!!! I gotta go buy the album!!"
It seems he liked it :D

Now, it has been this reviewers experience that each Theocracy album features that one track which cannot help but make you say, “Man, this is the best song I have EVER heard!” The self-titled debut had “The Healing Hand” (or, depending on my mood, “The Serpent’s Kiss”) while Mirror Of Souls featured “Laying The Demon To Rest”.
There is one thing I like with Theocracy : all the songs on an album are great, and there is not only one "killer" track in each album. So different people can love different songs from each album, that's why everyone can fix this sentence according to their opinion :D
For all of you who spend time promoting this band we love, I'm sure you agree there is no better feeling than when those efforts pay off. About a year ago, I became friends with a guy who was big into Christian metal in the past. I sent him some Theocracy links from Mirror of Souls some time ago and while he liked them, it wasn't enough for him to get hooked. Then I send him the 30 Pieces of Silver link last week and he went hog wild for it! A few days ago he messaged me: "Man, I have been cranking Theocracy videos ALL morning!!!! I cannot STOP listening to these guys!!" Apparently, he found a channel on youtube that has like 20 Theocracy songs on it and he's had that playing non-stop.

So I decided to step it up a level and close the deal. Last night I gave him the debut CD (I still had one extra one laying around the house) and told him that now he needed to go out and buy the two newer ones.

Today he messaged me: "bought both of the other Theocracy albums from Amazon on my phone this morning.... fyi..."

YES!!!! :rock: :kickass: One by one, the Theocracy Army grows! :D