Rig update - pic's and vid's! \m/


Aug 12, 2005
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
My new Mesa 50/50 finally came a couple of days ago. It was worth the unnessacary wait though. Sounds great!



Rythm vid:

Lead vid:

The rythm vid isn't much, but it's more about the tone for these vid's.

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cool, so what exactly is a 50 50 ? two 50 watt amps ? What are your other two rack mounts ? Ive been thinking I only need twin rack mount amps now but traditional "heads" are cool too. I just dont need channel switching anymore, imagine that!
cool, so what exactly is a 50 50 ? two 50 watt amps ? What are your other two rack mounts ? Ive been thinking I only need twin rack mount amps now but traditional "heads" are cool too. I just dont need channel switching anymore, imagine that!

The 50/50 is a poweramp. 50/50 means you can run it 100watts in stereo or 50watts mono.

The other two in my rack is an ADA MP1 and a Sabine RT-1601 tuner. :)
a hole rack mount for a tuner ? I never knew there was such a beast ? I was thinking a EQ & Multi Effects. I assume the ADA is multi efx ? Whats it do? Im way out of touch with the new units.
The ADA MP1 is a midi porgrammable tube pre-amp from the 80's. It's where all my tone comes from. It doesn't have any effects. I'm thinking of getting some effects for my rack though, maybe a TC Electronics G-major.

It's hard to tell from these crappy videos.

There's nothing wrong with the vid's. I have a good camera. The lighting in my room just isn't that great. The tone is 95% accurate to what it sounds like in real life.