RIP Gary Gygax

And without Gygax there would be no Legend of Huma or whatever the Lord Soth song is, right? Well, different lyrics anyway. Still waiting for the third song in the Solamnic Knights suite, Timmy! Unless it's on a Lord album, cos I haven't actually heard any of them... wait, I have the first one but haven't listened to the whole thing yet. :)
Just think of all the guys who got laid thanks to D&D...


remember once going to a D&D themed wedding.

lots of very beautiful women in fantasy armour.
Though the fat dude in the Manowar Barbarian loincloth ruined it all for everyone. :erk:

but, despite the jokes about rpoleplayers, know a lot of them with very active sex lives thanks to the game.

another thing that Gygax should be praised for.
getting nerds laid (by other nerds) since 1974. :rock::kickass:
Not to make this a Dungeon/LORD thread (we should get back to remembering Gary's legacy I think), but if there was to be another Dragonlance inspired song on the next LORD album, it'd likely be pretty cryptic, even more so than Netherlife was - a lot of people wouldn't know that was specifically about Lord Soth unless they really read into it or were really familiar with the story. If we can manage to keep the "my miiiiggghhhtttyyy swoorrrddd" style writing out of it, I'd like to do it but, as always, what happens happens and if it looks like it'll come out naturally then it'll be on there. If not, maybe later on down the track. :)
Netherlife is my fav Dungeon song for the exact reason that it's about Soth, but like, not in a "lets spell this out clearly and obviously for you" way.

I really like The Soulforged by BG too, about Raistlin.
I never got into that song so much for the song, to be honest. It always seemed a little "happy" for the dark character that Rastlin was. *shrugs* But there's a LOT of BG fans out there who would beat me savagely for disagreeing with that so what do I know? HAHA!
Hey, just whistle a Tolkien-esque jig and they'll all go into a trance :)

Reminds me of the PvP comic where Francis is reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time and says how much it ripped off Dungeons & Dragons and then Brent jokingly says that "TSR should sue Tolkien".

It's actually funny how many young people say that going from D&D to Tolkien (before the movies came out) and see where it all came from.

It's cool to see where Gygax and his mate got their original inspiration from and how far it evolved, leading to and inspiring entire knew forms of fantasy, mythologies and creatures, as well as how we very and expect Gods, Heroes & Monsters to behave.

And how far D&D expended in it's influence.

Such as the fantasy art that surrounded.

We probably wouldn't know Boris Vallejo or Julie Bell are, that's for sure.

Amazing to thing how such a humble game created so much and influenced so many.
My fave story is of how Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone of Games Workshop imported the TSR games and sold them out the back of a van they essentially lived in. Or so the story goes. It's weird to think that at one time, board games held people that passionately.
My fave story is of how Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone of Games Workshop imported the TSR games and sold them out the back of a van they essentially lived in. Or so the story goes. It's weird to think that at one time, board games held people that passionately.

they were the video games and MMORPG of their day and so different from the other board games that were around.

the art of the minitures alone was amazing.
most of them actually hand made.
I actually thought about getting back into miniature painting, but I'm too scared to go into Games Workshop to buy miniatures and paint in case one of the staff there try to talk to me. I used to love painting and stuff, lots of fun. Never used the miniatures in games or anything, just to look at and display (like a painting or an ivory box).

Years ago, when I was a young fella (1986-1988, I guess) Games Workshop was THE place I wanted to go to. This was back when it was basically just one shop in London that sold lots of awesome stuff, long before it became a franchise that only really sold Warhammer 40K merchandise.
I actually thought about getting back into miniature painting, but I'm too scared to go into Games Workshop to buy miniatures and paint in case one of the staff there try to talk to me. I used to love painting and stuff, lots of fun. Never used the miniatures in games or anything, just to look at and display (like a painting or an ivory box).

Hey Spiffo,

This place was my D&D/RPG/Everything saving grace when I lived in Whyalla. Their website looks like balls but they stock a great range and have good prices.

Used to get a catalogue from them regularly in the post...ahhh what glorious days they were when people mailed out mail order catalogues.

The day the MilSims catalogue arrived was like Christmas for me haha. I used to sit and look through it for HOURS...they had Crazy Specials which were always awesome, and tons and tons of RPGs that I'd never even heard of that just sounded so kick arse.

But yeah. You can buy miniatures from them without ever having to step into a Games Workshop :)