RIP Theo van Gogh


problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
The Dutch filmmaker and criticaster of the multicultural society Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered (first stabbed, then shot) this morning at 8.45 am in Amsterdam. Islamic texts were attached to his body with the knife of the killer. Presumably, this was a reaction to his recent short film Submission, made in cooperation with mp Ayaan Hirshi Ali, addressing the miserable faith of many women in islamic countries. Theo van Gogh spoke his mind, Theo van Gogh raised many important issues, Theo van Gogh was murdered because of this. Rest in peace Theo.


The late Theo van Gogh in the middle on this photo.
update: the presumed murdered has been caught by the police and is treated in the hospital for a shotwound at his leg - questioning will take place after this.
update: the presumed killer is a 26 year old man with arab looks and is in the possession of a Dutch and a Marrocan passport

tonight at 19.30 hours there will be a memorial for Theo van Gogh at the Dam square in Amsterdam.
update: the suspect has connections with radical islamic groups, which were investigated by the Dutch secret service - however, the secret service claims there was no clue that this person would commit a violent act in the near future

the memorial gathering for Theo van Gogh at the Dam square last night remained without incidents - muslims, christians, non-believers, etc, together made a statement that this went too far: in this country you should be able to speak your mind!
update: the text of the letter attached to the body of Theo van Gogh has been made public by the Dutch gouvernment (the full text in Dutch); it is a death threat to mp Ayaan Hirshi Ali, who is addressing the miserable position of many muslim women in and outside of islamic countries

the killer was also in the possession of a 'suicide note' in case he did not survive his actions (the full text in Dutch); he portrays himself as a martyr for the islam

in the past few days, 6 people have been arrested who are charged with being members of a criminal organisation with a terrorist aim; all are of either Marrocan or Algerian origin

several mosks and islamic schools in The Netherlands have been the victim of violent acts (arson, explosives, anti-islamic leaflets attached to the door) over the past few days