RIP Theo van Gogh

breaklose said:
i dont think any of you is that concerned about skinheads twatting cops after footy games too, using football to cause havoc. religion and footy arent bad as such, its the extreme use of it as an excuse that causes problem. the real reasons are much deeper, and it all comes down social insecurity and unfairness, be it for jimmy jobless skinhead twatting my pals, or mohamed jobless muslim stabbing writers.

Bad social environments will do exactly what you say, and yes - football attracts the monkeys for sure...

Though there are "intellectuals" preaching for Jihad and all of that, suicide bombers in palestine are quite often quite well-educated, amazingly enough.

It will be interesting to see what will happen in the USA when the illusion of the "american dream" will fade away... that is what keeps the country together I believe, and make people work triple jobs just to pay their bills and put food on the table.
breaklose said:
i cant think of any other reason for someone to be in such denial to go and stab people - its all a lack of education and unfairness.
As the boss said " you wanna know why i did what i did?/I guess theres just a meaness in this world"

it would have been funny if the sausage dodger had chopped van goghs ear off after he killed. But i guess these fundamentalists just dont have that sense of irony
he stood there watching if he was really dead for a couple of moments, so i bet he wouldve had the time to do that. i wonder if that killer regarded his victim as a litteral pig.
Judge gsz said:
Well, in the Netherlands someone got the "great" idea of burning down an Islam school last night.

And two days ago someone attempted the same thing...
Welcome to the new Europe, or wait a minute... it's been like this more or less for the later 1000 years :erk:
update: yesterday another 5 people have been arrested in the investigation of Theo van Gogh's death - in The Hague the attempted arrest of 2 people failed at first because the door of their house was boobytrapped; also a handgranate was thrown at the police injuring 4 officers - later in the afternoon the 2 were successfully arrested (after the whole neighbourhood had been evacuated and surrounded by police, the airspace above The Hague had been closed, several snipers were posted on roofs surrounding the house and lots of riot police were at the scene - for ONLY TWO persons)
does anyone seriously think it's right to surpress the women and have them cover their faces in public and all that? something is clearly wrong with that, and is it all down to us that all these countries are either poor or not developed like Europe? I don't think it is, what is it then, laziness? We all evolved on this earth equal at one time with nothing. It's clearly a cunt who stabbed this Dutch guy, they should keep the messed up laws and rights and wrongs over in their countires. Freedom of speech is granted here.
Having said that, the situation in iraq for example, is a disgrace, and there is just as much wrong with the American government, and I feel ashamed that our gutless Prime Minister didn't have the guts to say no to Bush, all for keeping in with the US, and for money and all that. So, yeah, I can understand any frustrations the Arabs have also, unfortunately now, it seems they have a reason to do anything extreme as hell, although their situations are not ALL the western world's fault.