Ripped off by Steven Slate/Yellow Matter!

send Slate a PM instead of making a thread about it.

+1 Steven has been very good to the sneap forum members, I have never had problems with him or dealing with his company, and i dont believe i have heard anyone else on here having problems.
thats a very serious accusation there DemolitionX - search the forum and you'll see stephen floating around and drop him a line via a pm - he will certainly straighten out things for you
I tried emailing the support thing heaps of times, as stated above to no avail. The phone number thing doesn't work as I am not in the US, I'm in Australia and it just didn't work there. I did note that the first time I'd purchased the product, despite the stuff up - things were sorted out really well. However, this time it's been a rotten headache from the start and I did state in my last email to them (up to about 30 last time I counted) that I would post this everywhere I could if I was ignored again. So I was ignored once more and am pretty fed up with it to be honest.

I understand there is a digital audio fingerprint in the program too in order to stop people copying it etc. Good idea and there's nothing wrong with that however, how is it fair that they get my money and I get no product? It's pretty much stealing, the same as if I were to go and copy it for somebody else (not that I'd run that risk with the dafs on it anyway) but there's my issue with it for the most of it.

I'll see if I can get onto him via PM. I'm not expecting anything more than what I've got so far though.

Cheers for the help
^ Andy has already asked you to "deal with this directly rather than posting complaints here"... so you are pushing it right now by continuing to comment on the matter in a public thread... just take it to PM and leave it at that. Steven is a friend of the forum and your posts are inappropriate... because there are 2 sides to every dispute... and in light of Steven's status on this forum, and your current lack of same, you're very mistaken to assume you could defame him here, regardless of any truth your claims may contain, and expect anyone to accept your statements as unbiased... so just deal with it privately please.
Also further to that, I do apoligize for coming on here and ranting etc about it but trying to track him down personally is almost impossible! There are about 40 zillion members when I look at the list, none of which resemble any clue of who I'm looking for and I don't even know what name he uses on this forum either. Hence that being my dillemma, I was hoping that he'd see this crap and at least come and sort it out once and for all. The support team certainly doesn't seem to want to deal with it but getting onto Steven himself is really difficult too.
I HIGHLY doubt he is trying to rip you off......your not his only customer. He is a busy man.

He has done nothing but hook me up since i bought my samples.
I bought ssd 3.0 a while back and then downloaded the 3.5 update. I had no problems whatsoever with the download or activation etc. and even that, I got 2 or 3 emails the next day from tech support asking me if it went ok! No company I have EVER dealt with did that!! Awesome tech support. I think there is something you aren't telling us.

I'm still wondering if he tried to run service center. If he has SSD 2 working on his computer then service center will give him his serial number.
