river dragon guitar question

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
this is just a simple question about the vibrato jeff is playing on this part
7~ 6~ 3~
2 2 2 2 5~
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0

how does he make it sound so high? anyone know what effects were used on dhiadw? anyone know jeff's guitar preference. it must have at least 24 frets. oh well. hopefully somone knows. it like squeals.

the same goes for cemetary gates. dime really squeals. out.
Good fuckin' question. This CD made Loomis a Guitar GOD in my opinion. I asked him about that fucked up solo when my opld band opened for him in NYC. He said something like he just woke up and it came to him. Fucked up stuff.
hahaha. yes loomis was a guitar god since his days in fear tech. the guy was fucking 17 hen the fear tech demp was released and he was great even then. hahaha amazing.
that vibrato part is going to bother me for awhile. im not even going to attept that solo yet hahahaha got the tapping part before it down. my guitars (being fenders) have 21-22 frets so im fucked there hahahaha
hopefully someone has the vibrato answer
im workin on the This Sacrament solo right now hehehe... i think the River Dragon part SEEMS like it goes higher... but he just SLIDES up the fret board to it, thats at least my theory heh
HE is using PINCH HARMONICS dude. AT leats thats what i do when im playing that part. When i hit the single notes, I pinch the harmoinic SHIT out of them, and then apply the vibrato in super fast time, and i really do the vibrato, i mean MAJOR. Try it, it works great......Same for Dime Bag, the dude uses pinch harmonics, with lots of good tight ass distortion........