Rob Caggiano Interview

I think it was Rob. I think that this trip down memory lane was a waste. I also think that they're blowin' out these live albums to fulfill their record contract. Once they get that over with, they can move on with new material. I just don't think we'll see John, Joey V., and Rob back in the fold.
AlexStomp said:
What happened to all the people that were huge reunion supporters back in April/May/June when this board was flooded with them?? Oh yeah, they all lost interest and moved on much like in 1993.

What happened to me? Let's see, I've been working my day job, started a business, had my step-kids for the Thanksgiving break, put up my tree today, spending my time in the CDC. Oh wait, you were being sarcastic. And I thought you were asking because you cared.
AlexStomp said:
What happened to all the people that were huge reunion supporters back in April/May/June when this board was flooded with them?? Oh yeah, they all lost interest and moved on much like in 1993.

I support the reunion - I can understand why Rob Caggiano does not as he is the one left behind in this situation (Bush took himself out of the picture by his own will) but for me the Belladonna/Spitz/Bello line-up was the best and most powerful Anthrax ever had. There may have been some good songs on SOWN and WCFYA but in the end the Bush records were slowed down in comparison to the older ones and lacked power. I don´t know what would come out of a new album with the "old" line-up but it is at least a possibility that the music gets a little heavier again.
Schurl said:
I support the reunion - I can understand why Rob Caggiano does not as he is the one left behind in this situation (Bush took himself out of the picture by his own will) but for me the Belladonna/Spitz/Bello line-up was the best and most powerful Anthrax ever had. There may have been some good songs on SOWN and WCFYA but in the end the Bush records were slowed down in comparison to the older ones and lacked power. I don´t know what would come out of a new album with the "old" line-up but it is at least a possibility that the music gets a little heavier again.

Whichever singer sings on the next Anthrax original LP, there's no doubt to me that Anthrax is going to go heavier again. Which is why I'd still prefer Bush in the band because he sounds really good on Greater of two Evils. I was at the taping of this and it was the best I've ever heard Anthrax sound.
What if all the interviews with Joey, Scott, Charlie...were all made up? You can't trust the internet can you? :)

AlexStomp said:
What happened to all the people that were huge reunion supporters back in April/May/June when this board was flooded with them?? Oh yeah, they all lost interest and moved on much like in 1993.

LOL, a lotta people (unlike me) just don;t give a fuck what a hunch of bashers have to say on some message board. They just go to the shows and don;t let the fun be spoiled by a select few who prefer the 90's ANTHRAX, which BTW are also history.

BTW there's not much to talk about now, no concerts, no releases, it will be back on it's feet when there's something to talk about. I heard ANTHRAX is playing the 013 club in Holland in April which is about 3 times the size of the Nighttown club they played on the WCFYA all tour (and that club was only filled like 1/3-1/2, maybe 400 people). Of course we will all be there! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
spacebeer said:
HAHHA yeah because that way you can read what you wanna read.....talking about lame!

The same goes with you and with all of the other interviews, basically kissing ass and having ZERO information value.
You're saying it's lame because you read what you didn't want to read. Or do you have any other specific reasons? Then tell me.
At least this is something which wasn't to be expected, isn't it? Unlike every single Anthrax interview since the reunion.
johnnieCzech said:
At least this is something which wasn't to be expected, isn't it? Unlike every single Anthrax interview since the reunion.
This is the first time anyone has said anything at all. Scott and Charlie just keep giving the same scripted generic responce.
Nothing is made up. For all who have doubts - Rob Caggiano has a Myspace profile, so you can ask him about that.
Seems like lots of ppl here can't bear that Rob would actually support RBC. He sure as hell does.
Someone posted here that the questions could have been better. So if there is anything missing, we want to be let known cos another interviews are in the planning stages - you have yet something to look forward to.
As for the guy who wrote something about "negative propaganda" - you obviously mistook what our page is really about.
We wanted to do this interview just so that the other guys can be heard too, as you know, there's always two sides to every story and until then, everyone has heard from the one side.
Rob Caggiano was cool as hell and you all can be sure he was genuine too.
RBC said:
Nothing is made up. For all who have doubts - Rob Caggiano has a Myspace profile, so you can ask him about that.
Seems like lots of ppl here can't bear that Rob would actually support RBC. He sure as hell does.
Someone posted here that the questions could have been better. So if there is anything missing, we want to be let known cos another interviews are in the planning stages - you have yet something to look forward to.
As for the guy who wrote something about "negative propaganda" - you obviously mistook what our page is really about.
We wanted to do this interview just so that the other guys can be heard too, as you know, there's always two sides to every story and until then, everyone has heard from the one side.
Rob Caggiano was cool as hell and you all can be sure he was genuine too.

I don't doubt for a minute that your interview is authentic. It would be foolish of you to post a fake interview because then you would lose credibility with your fellow RBCers. My only question is why did Rob choose to do an interview with you and not a well-know publication so that the masses can hear his side of the story, not just the few that know about your site.
[sarcasm]Yeah, why is that, we all know how "well-known publications" are beating down Anthrax's door for interviews this entire past decade. And of course, interviews with the older members of Anthrax have provided so much useful information about the reunion, so why would all of the Spitz-lovers want to hear from Rob anyway? [/sarcasm]
They just go to the shows and don;t let the fun be spoiled by a select few who prefer the 90's ANTHRAX, which BTW are also history

i thought the reunoin started in 2004. unlike the reunited anthrax the last line up was relevant in the music scene up till about 10 months ago. i've said it 100 times let the current line up write a new album, if it's better than wcfya i'll buy it, but seeing how charlie writes the music and scott and john were writing the lyrics i can't imagine it being much different. is joey gonna help pen some lyrics and the album is gonna be a barn stormer. i think not.
Rob, good interview. Alex I hear ya. I'm not into the cdc and even if I could afford it I woudnt want it. I'll donate my membership fee to the ASPCA. John Bush era music is heavier. Joey era music is faster. They need both of these elements on the new record. Scott and Charlie need to pick a singer and get a NEW record out to us fans if they want to keep the ball rolling. This isnt KISS. The reuinion is defintly losing steam in my eyes. Peace i'm out. I got to go rub one out to Pictures of Paris Hilton getting anuly raped by a gorilla.