Rock Hard Festival.... Beards and new songs :D


Mar 10, 2004
The Netherlands
Fuck, that was a great show :D

I went to the Rock Hard Festiva in Germany yesterday... There were´s bands like: Children Of Bodom, Ensferium, Amon Amarth, Sonata Arctica and some others (on saturday, the festival is 3 days)
I got an autographed cd booklet from Ensferium :D when COB were autographing, I waited in line for and hour and halfway I noticed my camera didn´t work, so no pics with me and Bodom... (no pics at all actually :()
When I FINALLY got to the stand, I saw all of them sitting there, but just before my turn, the got up and left... Only Roope stayed and did some more, so I got Roope´s autograph :)

Anyway.. They played a KICK ASS set that lasted about an hour and 15 minutes or maybe an hour and a half. These are the songs they played as far as I can remember right now:

Kissing The Shadows :D
Knuckleduster :D
* NEW SONG * (name unknown, but it kicked ass)
Needled 24/7
Everytime I Die
Bodom Beach Terror
Deadnight Warrior
Bodom After Midnight
Silent Night, Bodom Night

That´s all I can remember right now... They all had beards except Henka. It looked pretty...well diffrent anyway :D
Alexi threw his guitar around him about 2 or 3 times and he caught his own spit with his mouth, which wasn´t what he planned I think, cuz he had his mouth shut :p He got a towel and whiped it off

It fucking Rocked :D
The complete setlist in wrong order (don't know it anymore)

Deadnight Warrior
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom after Midnight
Everytime I die
Hate Me!
Kissing the Shadows
Needled 24/7
Bodom Beach Terror
Angels don't kill
HateCrew Deathroll
New Song
damn. i wanted to go for this festival also but i forgot it :/ i'm green with envy :] i hope that will be new tour or festival with children of bodom in summer
TheSeldomlaid said:
In the vein of tr00 black metal, or death metal, or whatever, they probably announced it like this:

"We're gonna play a new song..."

*crowd shuts up*

"it's called....Wooaaahrggghafvvvrrrrshhsaaaaaa!"

*crowd cheers*

I always laughed at BM gigs when the singer says something totally incoherent, and in a vein to look true, all the bm kvlt crew go "YEEESSSS!" and yet still have no idea what the motherfucker just said.
this got put to the test with Watain. What the singer said was not a word and yet this guy next to me still cheered and tried to repeat it.
They didn´t mension the name of the new song.... it was in the Sixpounder-tuning... Had a cool solo, but no sweeping... The riffs sounded kinda simple, no difficult melodic riffs