Rock Hard Festival.... Beards and new songs :D

Well, i just gave my hopes and dreams for a good CoB album a goodblye-blowjob and then didn't call them the next day.

Fuck this.
COB should move to America and start a boy band coz they did all they could in metal.
Yeah, so where shall we move? Because staying at this forum is wrong.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Sure it wasn't T,L&S? Think it would be reported if they played a new song..
It was definitely NOT "T,L&S", it was a complete new song.. They said something like "We spent the last few weeks in the studio and recorded some very heavy shit" *crowd-screams* "Do you want to listen to something or what?" *yeah* "Allright, here we go"..

btw: Knuckleduster is a great live-song


Thank you COB so much for making it one of the best festivals ever! Thanx to the whole hatecrew for letting us watch the 15th show from the stage and arranging the passes :Spin: :worship: ...

Party hardy with Bacardi :rock:
The new song sounded awesome. For additional information of the COB gig check Scythes Of Bodom and find out about the new intro and outro.

The festival totally ruled and the German Racing Team feat. Zarok is always a great combination. We had a blast!!
Zarok666 said:
The festival totally ruled and the German Racing Team feat. Zarok is always a great combination. We had a blast!!

Hell yeah :hotjump:

Justinschut said:
How´d you get backstage passes anyway ? I saw you 3 walking around a couple of times btw

Walking around ? I'd rather call that crawling :p
Aleksi and Hooch arranged the passes for us on saturday.
In Your Face.. Knuckleduster could be named that way. But it's very strong and aggressive, just that the Bodom atmosphere and magic is not there.. Don't lose personality guys.. so many words that mean nothing..