Roll Call: Milwaukee

Newbie here...I just got back from seeing this show...

Evergrey kicked quite a good deal of ass. From what it looked like there were a few sound problems with a few short guitar solos. Also it was a little hard to hear the vocals clearly, it was alright but for a band like Evergrey this was a slight annoyance.

They played somewhere around 7-8 songs, I think. Most were off the new album. They closed with "The Masterplan" which was freaking awesome. My friend had only heard that song by them and went insane when he heard that keyboard riff kick in.

The one thing that was kind of wierd though was that the band tried to get the audience clapping along way, way too much. There were a few times the clapping would have worked but a few of the times I looked over at my friend like..."what?...why are we clapping now..." But it was a really good time. I didn't know many of the new songs...or any of them for that matter...but they had some KILLER riffage and solos and they had lots of energy. A fun time to boot.