Roommate Rants Part 2: The Second Semester Around


Sep 9, 2006
This is the Roommate Rants part 2 thread, in part one we seen many disgruntled people, but have things changed since the second semester? Will you be have the same roommate next school year?
As for myself I rarely get annoyed with my roommate, and I'm glad to have my best friend as my roommate and will have him as mine next year, but there's only 2 things he does.
1. Blasting the fuck out of Rap Music from his Stereo where I'm unable to watch TV or listen to music with or without headphones.
2. Playing the TV when I'm going to sleep, it takes me longer to go to sleep with the TV on and the lights on but I did it last night.
But these are miniscule problems compared to some roommate problems, I don't even worry over them, I probbaly annoy him playing my guitar but since I'm a nice guy I can understand him blasting the music and watching TV as I do the same things at different times, so we're basically even and doing well.:)
But what about you?
I lived at home during my entire college period as well, thank god. So much cheaper and not having to deal with other people is always nice.

Though since then I've been living with my girlfriend who unfortunately has an apartment (well, a room) in a shared house. So I do have housemates now, which I suppose is not as bad as having roommates but it still kind of sucks having to share a kitchen and bathroom with a bunch of hippies who spend most of the day sitting in the lounge downstairs being stoned or drunk. One of them considers himself a nihilist too. It physically hurts to listen to him talk about pretty much any subject.
"No, we are nihilsts. We don't believes in anything. SHow me some proofs that religion exists!"

"Well, uhh... there a bible right here.."

"I may needs to rethink my lifes decisons."
I don't have a roommate but I have a neighbor who is really fucking stupid and gay.
Also living at home, working, and going to school. I still pay for everything imaginable short of electricity and the roof over my head though.
I will probably stay at home for uni too. Unless I get a good scholarship to play ball somewhere.
Never had a dorm, stayed in my apartment with my sister through college.