Roope Latvala

Yes that's totally true what you wrote there. I'm just saying it isn't like Alexi does his stuff, and then says to Janne: you make a solo here. No. Alexi does the melody for Janne's part of the solo with his guitar, then Janne plays that stuff with his keyboard. Can't explain it any clearer. He may give a totally free hand for Janne for like a solo or two per album. If I'm wrong, then I am, but this is what I think.
What a strange turn this thread has taken. Anyhow, maybe these quotes from CRY will help everyone to understand, how they work with the solos (important points in bold font). There's slots for keyboard solos in the songs and Janne plays whatever he wants / comes up with, completely independently or without being told what to do. Why would Alexi compose solos for a musician with superb skills like Janne, who is more than able to do them himself (actually I found it little condescending (towards Janne) to even suggest, that they work like that)

Alexi said:
When we had a song like Lake Bodom on the first album and we told him that: "Ok dude, can you play a solo in there, you can compose it, you can write it down, whatever you want, you know just do it." And he was like: "Fuck it, I'll just play it like this." Then he fucking did it and it was like woaaaauuh. It was just...we were just stunned, we were just amazed that jesus fucking christ, this guy is playing like Jens Johansen or someone.

Janne said:
"For me, the whole improvising / soloing thing has been like one of the most important thing in playing always. And maybe that's when I first jammed with the COB guys I improvised little bit and they were astounded by the shit I was playing, because maybe it's not that common for guys to, you know, play like that...I don't know."
There's slots for keyboard solos in the songs and Janne plays whatever he wants / comes up with, completely independently or without being told what to do. Why would Alexi compose solos for a musician with superb skills like Janne, who is more than able to do them himself (actually I found it little condescending (towards Janne) to even suggest, that they work like that)

They were talking about when they TESTED Janne if he was good enough to join their band seriously. They told him to make a solo for Lake Bodom. That was a different scenario.

So, Kekkonen's Parrot:

You're of the opinion that Janne does all his solo material himself without any contribution from Alexi?

I'll find you that interview soon to actually once prove I'm right.

I clearly remember (as children of COB) Janne saying he had difficulties learning Living Dead Beat because it was Alexi's guitar writing. I think he meant the duel that begins the solos. Have to check it out..

I confess I was pretty strict about my opinion but I was forced to it as usual. I'd find it interesting if Janne did all his solo material as contrast to Alexi's. I think the basic melody idea comes from Alexi and then Janne improvises the rest. You don't need to care but I'm allowed to post.
You're of the opinion that Janne does all his solo material himself without any contribution from Alexi?
Not without any contribution - the solo has to fit the song, and AFAIK, Alexi does the songwriting in COB. And of course they must discuss and try different things out together to make the songs, it's obvisously collaborative work. edit. My wording was maybe too harsh in the first message, as I was trying to make my point clear.

What I mean is that Janne doesn't get ready-made sheet music from Alexi to play solos. There's room for imrovisation and creativity.

If you find the interview, post it, I'm interesdted to see what they say about this.
I'd need to remember an actual line to google it out.. gotta check tomorrow..

Collaborative, yes that's a fitting word. I'm sure none of Janne's solos are done 100% by either one of them (except Lake Bodom obviously.. and some other's we're probably not aware of.) I'm just guessing if Alexi has this solo series ringing in his ear he might record the part meant for keyboard as well and then hand it to Janne. I don't mean as ready sheet music, but just by ear, that's partly where improvisation comes in.On some occasions he probably does it all, and on some he lets Janne show what he's got and they work it out.
Yes that's totally true what you wrote there. I'm just saying it isn't like Alexi does his stuff, and then says to Janne: you make a solo here. No. Alexi does the melody for Janne's part of the solo with his guitar, then Janne plays that stuff with his keyboard. Can't explain it any clearer. He may give a totally free hand for Janne for like a solo or two per album. If I'm wrong, then I am, but this is what I think.

janne would not be a damn soloist if alexi wrote his keyboard solos ffs. thats the whole point of a solo so just stfu. do you even play an instrument? :lol:
janne would not be a damn soloist if alexi wrote his keyboard solos ffs. thats the whole point of a solo so just stfu. do you even play an instrument? :lol:

He is supposed to play keyboards from what i remember. Anyway...i think janne composes pretty much everything himself but ofcourse not those doubled solos where both alexi and Janne play it harmonized together.