Round Robin thread #1


Apr 13, 2002
Dear fellow board members, in a moment of laziness I thought we could start a round robin fiction. This means that one of us (case in point: me) starts a short story, then calls on someone else to continue, and so on and so fort until 10 parts are reached. I don't know if you like the idea, I would think that it's mighty funny if people actually contribute. The "calling on someone" mechanism is fundamental for the first time; otherwise we risk to get on each other's toes, two people write the same installment, chaos is produced and we all die. If someone wants to volunteer for one of the parts, send a message to the thread. The story's untitled so far, by the end we're going to name it. Have fun.

Part I

Scene: red_beef's basement in Malaysia. The whole Board crowd is standing in the tiny, damp dark room waiting for a special DT show to start. The band has promised (or has it?) via At The Gates that they will play a special Japanese set, comprising bonus tracks only. At some objections about the propriety of a Japanese set in Malaysia, ZodiJakyil has been reported to say that there was no one willing to host the gig in a more convenient place, so they had settled for the closest possible place.

The event appears to be delayed - it's 10 pm and there's no instruments in sight, so Alfred starts to look up in discomfort and says "I knew I shouldn't have taken the trip. This place is so very far from home and Dark Tranquillity are not even going to play!".
"Shut the fuck up you silly trendie!" admonishes one or the other of the tr00 norwegian group, undistinguishable from the rest given the large amounts of black-and-white makeup smothered on his face.
Aside from the excesses of the devoted followers of Satan, a bit of nervousness is nevertheless starting to build up. LadyCal tries to soothe the spirits offering loads of blue happy smilies along with alcoholic drinks to those anxiously waiting for something, anything to show up and at least place a drumset on the stage. Not that this would solve anything, given the highly likeliness of Wolfy climbing up and playing one of his band's songs instead of DT, but after three hours of useless waiting this would - maybe - constitute an improvement.
Narcoloth, Siren and Melancholia animatedly talk in Greek just in front of the stage, gesturing to a door in the back of the basement. Qsilver, who has recently developed an interest in foreign languages, elbows Final_Vision with very little grace and tells him they're probably conjecturing about where the band is going to make their entrance from, finally asking if he could have a beer.
"Do you think I'm your personal barman now? If you want a beer, start a thread for all those who will want a beer in the future so we won't have repeated threads, and I won't have to go look for your specific drink in this confusion."
"But what the hell are you saying?" replies Qsilver with a puzzled look. The guy's sentence was pretty inconsequential, he ponders, and walks to the bar to get his drink. Behind the counter are two guys: Nicktheclayman, already drunk and serving sloppy pints with both hands, and DotNoir, frantically kicking himself in and out of the bar door in search for some miraculous ingredient.
In the meanwhile, the uneasy noise in the room is taking up to a fastidious level, and everyone just wishes they'd knew if the show is real or what. AtTheGates is nowhere to be seen for explanations, and people are encouraging each other to ask for a real good redde rationem once back at home, in front of their computers.
Suddenly, silence falls: the back door the Greeks pointed to opens, slowly and with a creaking noise.


I call on the Almighty Moderator rahvin the Dwarf to write part two. If someone wants to have a go at part three, please let us know ASAP! (Of course benefits of decision on the aptitude of the candidate are reserved to aforementioned ANrtD, not me)

much to everybody's dismay, out of the door and into the hall walks an evidently befuddled hedon. alone.
"oh, great!" exclaims phyre, shaking his head almost headbanging, "now you're gonna tell me the rest of the band is playing in a tiamat gig somewhere, singing songs about love and fluffy bunnies!"
ladycal starts replying something concerning fluffy bunnies and their role in society, but hedon's perplexed face looks a little too much like one of his most recent artworks for it to be ignored by the board members, even those who are drunk.
"can i kiss him?" asks dotnoir.
"he looks like someone who's just seen a ghost!" says mousewings all too cheerfully. "that's very trippy!"
"heh, well..." hedon begins with an uncertain voice. "it's just that i found this on the bus... the others ran away screaming, but i think we have to see the matter through. not just because it's a suspicious-looking package and it's ticking and it's making an unpleasant "whirr" sound and it's got WARNING written in great big letters on it does that mean it's a bomb. i'm sure there's another explanation..."

and that's when we all fall silent and look at each other with a blank expression.
suddenly, a window breaking near the end of the hall startles everyone. the whole board turns in that direction. a masked hero with a "|" painted on his red-and-blue sweatshirt emerges from the wreckage and stalks the hall slowly and purposefully.
"it's |ngenius" cries siren, dreamy-eyed "the strongest, bravest, most handsome hero out of legends, and he's coming to save us all! quick, i have to offer my eternal untarnished love to him!"
ungraciously moving other board members out of the way, siren reaches the proud figure and clings to him like poisoned ivy. the hero ignores her as he strides toward the still ticking small round package hedon is philosophically pondering on.
alfred eyes the whole scene, feeling uneasy. he turns to rei toei and whispers: "i think he'd be better off not toucing that stuff. you never know. something terrible might happen. it might as well start raining outside..." rei toei's reply is lost somewhere under the noise of one of alfred's ribs being gently cracked by the same rei.

"hand me the stuff and everybody will be safe from harm"
"trust me, it's ok" replies hedon. "i'm gonna fix it. pretty soon, i promise". the board shivers.
|ngenius grabs the box and starts running towards the door, followed by the board members who feel like they need to know how's it gonna end so that they can post about it on the board tomorrow. and preceded by siren trying to send him messages of love telepathically.
but our hero is in for another surprise! the main door opens and a big, hulking figure all dressed in black stops |ngenius in his tracks.
"fuck you, asshole" he states simply.
"it's misanthrope..." a frightened villain whispers in my ear. "he's an evil character who wants to destroy ultimatemetal and its members personally because he thinks the whole site is huge big spam..." we all look at him in awe.
"he's tried 4578 times already, with a percentage of success close to 86.8%" adds villain helpfully.


(it's damn hot in here)
ok, time for |ngenius to go on.

rahvin. (round robin crest)
"But don't worry, that will be in the FAQ's as well," he finished.

"That's it! Seize the spammer! Forum Nazi official rules state no more that 2 posts per hour!" As he shouted this, Misanthrope's UM-SS troopers stormed the room, crowding all of the forum members against the far wall. With a shout of "You'll never take us alive!" a shape rushed between a number of legs, brandishing a battle axe and a two-foot long beard. One by one the UM-SS soldiers fell, not only by Rahvin's axe, but also by the power of Bu, being conjured in the corner by Hyena, Hiljainen, Kovenant, and WanderingBlade.

The forum members were winning, and it looked as though Misanthrope's days of glory were over. In fact, |ngenious was preparing to land the final blow, when a bizarre sound came from outside. Said Misanthrope, "Bwahahahahaha! My help has arrived. If you cannot beat the spammers and assholes, manipulate them to do your bidding!" With this, the sound of newbies chattering nonsensical and bewildering drivel came pouring into the room.

"NOOO!!!!!" screamed Final_Vision, loud enough that the entire room became quiet enough to hear ~Zeanra~ squeek. "How dare you have the new arrivals post somewhere other than my beautiful post designed simply for the posting of new people to introduce themselves so that they may get to know other people without being called spammers and assholes, which would happen if they posted anywhere other than my thread, which has been locked at the top of the forum so that they don't start their own!" Nick and Q took one look and went back to drinking, while the rest of the members stood in shocked silence. "Holy Steel!" shouted Hyena, "We've forgotten about the bomb!" But when seached for, it was nowhere to be found.... and the same held true for Hedon...

~Kovenant84 (trying to continue a saga :p)(btw....i'll delete this if you don't want it...)
rahve, he is because i said so in my first, didn't i? :lol:
kovenant, thanks for posting - |ng, hurry, do something!

This post is mine, don't steal it! To book your own post call us to: 906-SEX-8894737297. Thank you. We aplogize for any inconvenience.

|ng (Writting the fourth part)

IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY: I was talking with hyena about the rules of this funny game, and we concluded that is too closed to call someone to follow the story. Moreover, you can see there are many law breakers like Kovenant who steal your posts, hehehe. Don't worry Kovenant, you're welcome. Sooooo, to resolve it, we introduce a new rule: Everybody can follow the story, but previously you should to book your post space, as I did this time (you can see it in the lines above this note). By this way, everybody can introduce themselves into the game. Do your best, and have fun!!! And the story goes on...


An anchor of desperation fell in the hearts of the fellows. They looked around, trying to find flying elephants or nice girls in bikini to realize if that was only a dream or if the reality was crushing them down. It seemed such an ancient unchupi curse destroying any vestige of the pretended fun time in the DT gig.

|ngenius, taking care of maintain the hero posture, smiled and said: "C'mon, my friends, never say never! We are clever and strong enough to defeat the evil forces of these spammers, even with a mexican Michael Jordan dressed in black as their leader. Don't give up!!!".

Rahvin looked at him and replied: "Yep, it's a great dream, but who will make it come true? You? Julio Iglesias? The spammers are taking over all our beloved threads, even the one about our dreams and illusions. There's no clear hope, I trust in your words, but it's hard. They're destroying tutto il mondo! Tell me about your plans". |ngenius smiled again and, winking an eye said: "With a bit of luck, little one".

Melancholia pointed her finger on DotNoir to make realize the others about DotNoir strange behavior. The fellows were angry and worried enough to don't realize at the beginning, but then suddenly realized that was an unusual concentration in DotNoir. He was writting fast in a notebook. Mousewings approached to him to see it clearly, but she found impossible to decipher the language, just strange symbols written in blood. Neither Rahvin, nor Alfred, the text wasn't understandable to the fellows.

But was Phyre, with the helping hand of Ormir "The Unsacred Man of the Dephts of Hell" (TM), who translated the text to modern english. Only two men out of trendy fashions could decipher texts written directly by the hand of the Devil. And this is an aproximatted translation:

"In the high mountains of..."

|ngenius, uncapable of wait anymore, jumped screaming: "Of Fate" "Of Destiny" "Of Doom" "Of naked girls". After the right Final_Vision's punch in |ngenius' stomach, Phyre continued with the translation:

"In the high mountains of the Sacred Fruits, there dwells a man who has the answer to your terrible problem with the spammers. He knows about the meaning of the existence too, but you should ask him just one question. His name.... the Master of the Melons, as the tribes around the mountain call him, or FatherVic the Invisible. But beware the guardian of the mountain. A horrible beast called Wolfy that use to threat the visitors with dangerous games and challenges.Thank you for calling and rent our services of automatic writting."

"Well, ladies, gentlemen. It seems we have a mission in our hands. Dark Tranquillity promised us a great show, and for the sake of Bu we will enjoy it!! We should find Hedon and the guys, the guest band Stuff, and solve this mistery. And there's only a man who can satisfy our thirst of answers." .- Hyena said.

"The singer of Immortal?" asked Ormir, with an innocent expression in his painted in evil colours face.

"Oh, shut up, trendy scene" .- replied a voice behind the fellows of UM.

Everybody looked there, and Phyros appeared as a talisman. "You need a Gothenburg man to reach your goals, friends. Don't ever doubt about!" said our old bandmate.

And by this way, the fellowship of UM was ready to strike again...

come on come on! someone take the bait and continue! i want to know what happens next! :)

the first who wants to continue does so... after all there's very little probability that two people post exactly at the same time. but please if you want to do one of the later parts book it via a message here, like "I'd like to do part six", so everybody will know who goes next! Now first come, first served.

@rahvin: like hyena said. no show for me in Malaysia :cry: :cry:

- red_beef [that it, next time DT show up in Japan, I'm going there...]

ps: to many TV hours... this World Cup is killing me...
someon indeed.....who will continue the almight thread...btw cheers to Hyena for creating a very interesting thread...:) Thank you for including me stories tho im not around much lately btw :)

F_V (running from the monkeys)
Too much to read...How to post at other threads if there's only time to read the first part of the story?I really think now there's need for a PC at home....or to say it rahvin-like : can I get the shorter version?? ;)