Russia invades Georgia

Is there much Oil in Georgia?

im really hoping for Zombie Apocalypse rather than WWIII. i definitely want to explode some heads with my boomstick, and the undead dont shoot back. i guess i wouldnt mind shooting commies, but zombies would be much more fun.

oh hell yeah!!!!

and I'm really more of a fan of Nazi zombies rather than communist.
The world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!
The world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!

Yes, I already knew Georgia instigated the attack, trying to wrest control of South Ossetia back from the Russians, and the Russians simply responded....causing mass civilian casualties and aerial bombardment of airfields and oil refineries.

There are two sides to every story, and I don't think either side is a saint in this one.
The world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!

Well no shit, tell us something we don't know.

Although, when proving a point of argument between 2 countries, in this case it isn't a problem, but you might want to link to some non-russian based sites next time. Doesn't exactly help the credibility to well.
Why would he need to link a non-Russian site? Russia has always been a beacon for fair and accurate reporting and would never dilute or change the facts. I mean, it's not like they were ever a dictatorship, right?
I think, this was all planned out by the Russians so they could capture Georgian natural resources and the pipelines coming from kahzagstan to Europe that go through Georgia. They tricked the georgians into starting shit up, and the Georgians took the bait. I think it is time for the CIA to arm the georgians like they did in the 80s in Afghanistan to embarrass the mighty red army. Only this time, they are arming a friendly state not religious nuts...
I'm not a poli-sci laureate in former Soviet-bloc countries, but I can see this bringing about real problems for the west, and it's starting to look like a grab for power by the renewed and rejuvenated Russia. I think arming Georgia or another war-by-proxy isn't the answer, however. Afghanistan worked, but this is in Russia's backyard and they know the used to belong to them, after all.

Old habits die hard...especially with Russians.
I'm not a poli-sci laureate in former Soviet-bloc countries, but I can see this bringing about real problems for the west, and it's starting to look like a grab for power by the renewed and rejuvenated Russia. I think arming Georgia or another war-by-proxy isn't the answer, however. Afghanistan worked, but this is in Russia's backyard and they know the used to belong to them, after all.

Old habits die hard...especially with Russians.
that is true, but think about it, the red army is not what it used to be. Actually they never really had amazing conventional forces. First of all, the georgians say they shot down ten russian planes. The russians admitted four planes lost in 2 days. Those gotta be shitty planes since the georgians only have FIVE fighter planes.

Moreover, the new russian military doctrine says that they reserve the right to nuke first, even unprovoked and against a non nuclear country. This is a big sign of weakness, if they decide that nuking a non nuclear country is on the table, that means that all they have is nukes imho.

But, if the EU does something, the russians will pull the plug on the natural gas. Wouldn't that be nice, since the Euro zone is already flirting with recession... All this could have been avoided if Angela Merkel, that stupid cunt, wouldn't have signed with Russia for so many more Gazprom pipelines instead of funding the new pipeline going through Khazakstan and Turkey, Romania, and Hungry that has nothing to do with the Russians, but no, she had to whore out the EUs energy security for cheap gas for the krauts...
I think, this was all planned out by the Russians so they could capture Georgian natural resources and the pipelines coming from kahzagstan to Europe that go through Georgia. They tricked the georgians into starting shit up, and the Georgians took the bait. I think it is time for the CIA to arm the georgians like they did in the 80s in Afghanistan to embarrass the mighty red army. Only this time, they are arming a friendly state not religious nuts...

We've already armed them... we did it 4 years ago. :Smug:
I think, this was all planned out by the Russians so they could capture Georgian natural resources and the pipelines coming from kahzagstan to Europe that go through Georgia. They tricked the georgians into starting shit up, and the Georgians took the bait. I think it is time for the CIA to arm the georgians like they did in the 80s in Afghanistan to embarrass the mighty red army. Only this time, they are arming a friendly state not religious nuts...

I think we'd do far better to just stay the fuck out of this one. Try telling that one to Governor Bush, though...

"Georgian forces knocked out about 40 Russian tanks around Tskhinvali, said Georgia's Deputy Interior Minister Eka Sguladze. "Our units are well-equipped with anti-tank rockets, and they thwarted a Russian tank attack," she told reporters."

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. FORTY TANKS? FUCKIN' FORTY?!?!?! If this number is true and not embellished by the Georgian authorities, that's a MASSIVE loss for a country as powerful as Russia against a country like Georgia, whether we trained them or not.

Apparently, Georgia has brought much of this on themselves by bombing their own people, although they were trying to break away and be absorbed into Russia. But the latest reports show that the Russians are bombing airbases on the outskirts of Tblisi, and that's REALLY bad news for seems that it's no longer about South Ossetia anymore, and Russia is targeting the root of their problems.

I really can't take a side in this matter because I'm not there and I don't know the situation, so I won't make any assumptions just based on news reports. What I do know is this seems to be going in a downward spiral for both parties and the outcome doesn't look good at all. If in fact Russia is just responding to unwarranted aggression, then they are within their rights as their peacekeepers have been attacked in South Ossetia by the Georgian military.

This may sound a little stupid and naive, but have any of you ever played Tom Clancy's game, Ghost Recon? This is EXACTLY what happened in that a T. It's fucking surreal.

It should also be noted, and I'm not trying to sound like some conspiracy nut, but what effect would this have on the missile defense shield plan set in motion by Bush? I'm not speculating or anything, but I think this will only fuel the fire for the go-ahead.
Look how the reporters of the world-known Reuters news agency are working. It is they who supply the world with “truthful information”.

The photos was taken by Gleb Garanich/Reuters and represented at:

These photos supposedly tell the story about civilian victims of Russian bombardments in Georgia.

On this picture, you may see a killed man and grief of his relative:

Pay attention to the fact that the corpse lies on its back. Remember the clothes and features of the sorrowful relative.

Look at another picture by Reuters:

You can see the same corpse, in the same clothes, but in a different position - face-down. The corpse rested for a while and turned over!

The next picture shows the same man we have already seen at the previous photo:

Can you find a difference? It is perfect acting and the highest degree of grief in place. But he changed into other clothes for new shooting!

Who of us didn’t have little wounds and scratches while we were just kids? Do you remember how painful it was and how we cried? Now, look at this photo:

The boy in his blood-stained and torn clothes studiously poses for a portrait without any signs of pain in his face.

Is it how Reuters news agency is working? Is it how they illuminate the situation in Georgia without falsifications? Do you believe that?

If these particular falsifications are obvious, how many cases of the deceit have not been brought to light? Is it worthy to listen to bullshit?

I live in georegia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they says theres tanks should i be worrie
i herd on the news that rusia has invaded but i dont see them no where wats going on

* 19 hours ago
* - 3 days left to answer.

the answer

You are in the state of Georgia. The nation of Georgia is on the other side of the world.
I can just imagine someone in Georgia running through town like "THE COMMIES ARE COMING! THE COMMIES ARE COMING" :lol: